# Maintainer: Kyle Keen pkgname=cryptominisat4 pkgver=4.2.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A modern, multi-threaded, feature-rich, simplifying SAT solver" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://www.msoos.org/cryptominisat4/" license=('LGPL') depends=('zlib' 'gcc-libs' 'boost-libs' 'intel-tbb') makedepends=('python2' 'boost') optdepends=('python2: python module') source=("http://msoos.org/largefiles/cryptominisat-$pkgver.tar.bz2") md5sums=('d12ed2839160ad946a3925c8eec94a39') # many fancy features requiring makedeps # intel-tbb, python2, m4ri, libmysqlclient, valgrind build() { cd cryptominisat4-$pkgver sed -i 's/python$/python2/' python/Makefile mkdir -p build cd build # options to play with: # -DUSE_TBB -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_MYSQL # NOMYSQL NOSTATS NOM4RI ENABLE_TESTING cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr \ -DNOM4RI=on -DNOMYSQL=on ../ make } package() { cd cryptominisat4-$pkgver/build make install DESTDIR="$pkgdir" mv "$pkgdir/usr/bin/cryptominisat" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/cryptominisat4" # todo, tweak the build tools to respect DESTDIR cd py-lib python2 setup.py install --record files.txt --root="${pkgdir}" }