# Maintainer: Kristian Gunstone # Contributor: Jan-Tarek Butt # This PKGBUILD is based on the 'cura-old' PKGBUILD maintained by Jan-Tarek. # A specific version of CuraEngine is bundled with Aleph's Cura, and so it also # comes with this package. pkgname=cura-aleph-bin pkgver=21.06 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A full 3D printing solution aimed at RepRaps and the Ultimaker. This is the Aleph Objects fork, specialized for the Lulzbot series of 3D printers." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="https://www.lulzbot.com/cura" license=('AGPL3') depends=('bash' 'python2' 'wxpython' 'python2-opengl' 'python2-pyserial' 'python2-numpy' 'python2-power-git') provides=('cura') conflicts=('cura' 'cura-bin' 'cura-git' 'cura-old' 'cura-not-so-old') # This uncommented line shows the previously used upstream URL. # It seems the two pages are currently not in sync, with the alephobjects.com # being a bit ahead of the curve.. #_aleph_url_root="http://download.lulzbot.com/Software/Cura/Packages/Cura_${pkgver}" _aleph_url_root="http://download.alephobjects.com/ao/aodeb/dists/jessie/main/binary-amd64" _aleph_signature="f73e" # Version-specific signature; part of the filename # Sha1sums verified against: # http://download.alephobjects.com/ao/aodeb/dists/jessie/main/binary-amd64/Packages # http://download.alephobjects.com/ao/aodeb/dists/jessie/main/binary-i386/Packages if [ "$CARCH" == x86_64 ]; then source+=(${_aleph_url_root}/cura_${pkgver}-${_aleph_signature}_amd64.deb) sha1sums+=('085c8f18415d0f1a557ff5905bd1984013386632') elif [ "$CARCH" == i686 ]; then source+=(${_aleph_url_root}/cura_${pkgver}-${_aleph_signature}_i386.deb) sha1sums+=('46fef86a1da902880807fbe4c334d23dcadf98c9') fi source+=(arch_aleph_patch.diff) sha1sums+=('a6010f8e88b7d02900b5a2eb7f9f9fa2c50f7d57') check() { echo -e " ***************************************************************************** In order for Cura to communicate with your printer, it needs to run from a user which can both read and write to it. On Archlinux, this currently means that you need to be in the ** uucp ** group. To check and make sure, connect the printer and see who has access to it; e.g $ ls -l /dev/ttyACM0 ***************************************************************************** " } prepare() { # Unpack the tarball containing the 'usr/' directory, # where all the essentials reside within the debian package tar zxf "${srcdir}/data.tar".gz -C "${srcdir}" # remove python-power since we have it in the deps: rm -rv "${srcdir}"/usr/share/cura/power/ rm -rv "${srcdir}"/usr/share/cura/Cura/util/Power # Apply the patchset, which mainly changes any ambiguous references # to 'python' to 'python2' (as arch uses python3 by default) # Look for the patch both in # ./ (i.e srcdir) and ../ (i.e same directory as where PKGFILE lies) # (see git log and https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cura-aleph-bin/) patch -d "${srcdir}" -p1 < ../arch_aleph_patch.diff \ || patch -d "${srcdir}" -p1 < arch_aleph_patch.diff } package() { cp -r "${srcdir}"/usr "${pkgdir}"/usr }