# Maintainer: Josip Ponjavic pkgname=darkine-kde-git pkgver=2.1.r41.gcd37f80 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Theme based on Adapta KDE for Plasma 5 desktop" arch=('any') url="https://github.com/Rokin05/darkine-kde" license=('GPL3') optdepends=('konsole: For the Konsole color scheme' 'kvantum-qt5: For the Qt application style' 'kwin: For the Aurorae theme' 'plasma-desktop: For the Plasma theme' 'sddm: For the SDDM theme') makedepends=('git') conflicts=("${pkgname%-*}") provides=("${pkgname%-*}") options=(!strip) source=("${pkgname%-*}::git+${url}.git") sha256sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd "${pkgname%-*}" ver="$(grep '#### Version' CHANGELOG.md | tail -1 | awk '{print $3}')" printf '%s.r%s.g%s' "$ver" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" } package() { cd "${pkgname%-*}" install -m 0755 -d "$pkgdir/usr/share" cp -R {aurorae,color-schemes,icons,konsole,Kvantum,plasma,sddm,themes,wallpapers} "$pkgdir/usr/share" }