# Maintainer: Andrei Alexeyev # Contributor: J0k3r pkgname=darkplaces-rm-git pkgver=r11895.399d8be7 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A fork of the DarkPlaces engine with various extensions" url="https://github.com/kasymovga/DarkPlacesRM" license=('GPL2') arch=('x86_64' 'i686') depends=('sdl2' 'zlib') optdepends=( 'curl: download missing custom content while playing online, used for other purposes by some games' 'd0_blind_id-git: encryption support (required for Xonotic)' 'freetype2: TTF and OTF fonts support (required by some games)' 'libircclient: IRC integration for supporting games' 'libjpeg: decode JPEG textures (required by most games)' 'libmaxminddb: provides ip-to-country resolution for supporting games' 'libpng: decode PNG textures' 'libtheora: required for video capture' 'libvorbis: required for OGG playback (used by most games)' 'ode: physics engine, may be used by some games' ) makedepends=('git' 'mesa') conflicts=('darkplaces_rm-git') replaces=('darkplaces_rm-git') _local_repo="${pkgname}" _binary_basename="darkplaces-rm" source=("${_local_repo}::git+https://github.com/kasymovga/DarkPlacesRM.git") sha256sums=("SKIP") function pkgver { cd "${srcdir}/${_local_repo}/" printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" } function build { cd "${srcdir}/${_local_repo}/" make CPUOPTIMIZATIONS="$CFLAGS" DP_JPEG_VERSION=80 sdl-release sv-release } function package { cd "${srcdir}/${_local_repo}/" install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/" install -t "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/" "${_binary_basename}-dedicated" "${_binary_basename}-sdl" }