# Maintainer: Ivy Foster # Note: this PKGBUILD uses makepkg's git signature checking feature. # You're going to want the key # CB33B736591A9CA06098A9A5FCAC9CF5A6EE1209 # in particular. Please feel free to double check me on that. pkgname=ddate-git pkgver=0.3.0.r0.ga52c0f7 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Perpetual date converter from Gregorian to POEE calendar' url=https://github.com/escondida/ddate license=(custom:PublicDomain) depends=(gcc-libs) makedepends=(git) provides=(ddate) conflicts=(ddate) arch=(x86_64) source=(git+https://github.com/escondida/ddate.git?signed) sha256sums=(SKIP) pkgver() { cd ddate git describe --long | sed 's@-\(.*\)-@.r\1.@' } build() { cd ddate make PREFIX=/usr } package() { cd ddate make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" PREFIX=/usr install install -D -m 644 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/ddate-git/LICENSE" }