# Maintainer: Einhard Leichtfuß # README: # * Building this package takes very long (a day or so) and consumes quite a # lot of RAM (> 7 GiB). # * Consider to use the corresponding -bin package instead. _lang=deu-eng pkgname="dict-freedict-${_lang}" _dingver=1.9 _pkgver="${_dingver}-fd1" pkgver="${_pkgver//-/_}" pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="German -> English dictionary for dictd et al. from FreeDict.org" arch=('any') url="https://freedict.org/" license=('GPL' 'AGPL3') optdepends=('dictd: dict client and server') makedepends=('freedict-tools>=1:0.6.0') install="${pkgname}.install" source=("ding-${_dingver}.gz::https://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/Local/urz/ding/de-en/de-en.txt.gz") sha512sums=('172b61d4ee52ea14385608cca62891ecab22a4136aa5967654f56b5ef4c77c9f4feeb294396be43b7787133fabdfb2ace8648d2ee4fa877cf21ec566a0ef2b77') _freedict_tools_dir=/usr/lib/freedict-tools _ding2tei_dir="${_freedict_tools_dir}/importers/ding2tei" prepare() { mkdir -p dict/ding ln -s "${srcdir}/ding-${_dingver}" dict/ding/de-en.txt mkdir -p "dict/tei/${_lang}" ln -s "${_ding2tei_dir}/dict/tei/${_lang}/Makefile" "dict/tei/${_lang}/" } build() { local _utf8_locale if [[ "$LANG" == *.UTF-8 ]] then _utf8_locale="$LANG" else _utf8_locale="$(localectl list-locales | grep '\.UTF-8$' | head -n 1)" if [[ "$_utf8_locale" == '' ]] then printf 'No UTF-8 locale available. Cannot continue.' return 1 fi fi # Build the TEI XML file. # * ding2tei (incl. the preprocess scripts) needs a UTF-8 locale. # - The tools operating on the built TEI XML should not need this. make -C "$_ding2tei_dir" -o ding2tei LC_ALL="$_utf8_locale" \ dictdir="${srcdir}/dict" "${_lang}" # Build the DICT files (this takes very long). make -C "dict/tei/${_lang}" FREEDICT_TOOLS="$_freedict_tools_dir" \ build-dictd } package() { make -C "dict/tei/${_lang}" FREEDICT_TOOLS="$_freedict_tools_dir" \ DESTDIR="$pkgdir" PREFIX=/usr install }