# Merged with official ABS diffutils PKGBUILD by João, 2023/06/03 (all respective contributors apply herein) # Maintainer: João Figueiredo # Contributor: David Parrish pkgname=diffutils-git pkgver=3.10_r1239.gc2e38d4 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc='Utility programs used for creating patch files' arch=($CARCH) url='https://www.gnu.org/software/diffutils' license=(GPL3) depends=(glibc bash) source=("git+https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/${pkgname%-git}.git") sha256sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd ${pkgname%-git} _ver="$(git describe | sed 's/^v//;s/-.*//')" echo "${_ver}_r$(git rev-list --count HEAD).g$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" } # prepare() { # cd ${pkgname%-git} # # apply patch from the source array (should be a pacman feature) # local src # for src in "${source[@]}"; do # src="${src%%::*}" # src="${src##*/}" # [[ $src = *.patch ]] || continue # msg2 "Applying patch $src..." # patch -Np1 < "../$src" # done # } build() { cd ${pkgname%-git} ./configure --prefix=/usr make } # check() { # cd ${pkgname%-git} # make check # } package() { cd ${pkgname%-git} make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install }