# This is an example PKGBUILD file. Use this as a start to creating your own, # and remove these comments. For more information, see 'man PKGBUILD'. # NOTE: Please fill out the license field for your package! If it is unknown, # then please put 'unknown'. # Maintainer: Jackson McCrory pkgname=dmenu-jadecell-git pkgver=5.0 pkgrel=1 epoch= pkgdesc="JadeCell's build of dmenu patched for caseinsensitive, instant, lineheight, etc." arch=(x86_64 i686) url="https://gitlab.com/jadecell/dmenu.git" license=('MIT') groups=() depends=(ttf-joypixels) makedepends=(git make libxinerama) checkdepends=() optdepends=() provides=(dmenu) conflicts=(dmenu) replaces=() backup=() options=() install= changelog= source=("git+$url") noextract=() md5sums=('SKIP') validpgpkeys=() pkgver() { cd "${_pkgname}" printf "5.0.r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" } build() { cd dmenu make X11INC=/usr/include/X11 X11LIB=/usr/lib/X11 } package() { cd dmenu mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname} cp -rf * ${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname} make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install install -Dm644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE" }