# Mantainer: Daniel Urdiales # Contributor: David P. # Contributor: Antonio Rojas # Contributor: Felix Yan # Contributor: Andrea Scarpino # Contributor: Pierre Schmitz pkgname=dolphin-root-git _pkgname=${pkgname%-root-git} pkgver=76f9d9a5f5c6b2a26d4e7e927a39f52ebf88960c pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="KDE File Manager, patched to be able to run as root, based on dolphin-git sources" arch=(armv7h i686 x86_64) url="https://kde.org/applications/system/dolphin/" license=(LGPL) depends=(baloo-widgets knewstuff kio-extras kcmutils kparts kinit phonon-qt5) makedepends=(extra-cmake-modules kdoctools) optdepends=('kde-cli-tools: for editing file type options' 'ffmpegthumbs: video thumbnails' 'kde-thumbnailer-odf: ODF thumbnails' 'ruby: installing new service menus from KDE Store' 'kdegraphics-thumbnailers: PDF and PS thumbnails' 'konsole: terminal panel' 'purpose: share context menu') conflicts=($_pkgname) provides=($_pkgname) source=("git://anongit.kde.org/dolphin.git" '0001-Revert-Disallow-executing-Dolphin-as-root-on-Linux.patch' 'Dolphin-Root-Git.desktop') sha512sums=('SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP') validpgpkeys=(CA262C6C83DE4D2FB28A332A3A6A4DB839EAA6D7 # Albert Astals Cid F23275E4BF10AFC1DF6914A6DBD2CE893E2D1C87) # Christoph Feck pkgver() { echo $pkgver } prepare() { mkdir -p build cd dolphin git reset --hard $pkgver patch -p1 -i $srcdir/0001-Revert-Disallow-executing-Dolphin-as-root-on-Linux.patch } build() { cd build cmake ../dolphin \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib \ -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF make } package() { cd build make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install cp ../Dolphin-Root-Git.desktop ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications }