# Maintainer: Mees Valkenburg <`echo Zmx1ZmZ5QGdvZG90LnVrLnRvCg== | base64 -d`> # Contributor: Kaiting Chen # Contributor: Anton Bazhenov # Contributor: rabyte # Contributor: Daniel Dulaney pkgname='dtrx-git' pkgver=7.1.671ccf7 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='An intelligent archive extraction tool' arch=('any') url='http://github.com/brettcs/dtrx' license=('GPL3') depends=('python2') optdepends=( 'tar: to extract tar, deb, and gem archives' 'unzip: to extract zip archives' 'cpio: to extract cpio and rpm archives' 'rpm-org: to extract rpm archives' 'binutils: to extract deb archives' 'gzip: deb, gem, gzip, and compress archives' 'bzip2: to extract deb and bzip2 archives' 'xz: to extract xz archives' 'p7zip: to extract 7z archives' 'unrar: to extract rar archives' 'cabextract: to extract MS Cabinet archives' 'unshield: to extract InstallShield archives' 'lha: to extract lzh archives' ) provides=(dtrx) conflicts=(dtrx) md5sums=('SKIP') source=('git+https://github.com/brettcs/dtrx.git') pkgver() { cd dtrx cat <(python2 setup.py --version | tr "\n" .) \ <(git rev-parse --short HEAD) } package() { cd "${srcdir}/dtrx" python2 setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" }