# Maintainer: Benedikt Braunger pkgname="e2factory" pkgver="2.3.18p1" pkgrel="3" pkgdesc="A software buildsystem not only for embedded systems" url="http://e2factory.org" license=('GPLv3') arch=("any") depends_x86_64=('gcc' 'rsync' 'git' 'gzip' 'tar' 'man' 'patch' 'unzip' 'make' 'openssh') install=.INSTALL sha256sums=('c61f12da7cdad526bdcbed47a4c0a603e60dbbfdaf8b66933cd088e9132c303f' '7474dcadc663a3fd5bed34f79f6b7253d4b637ce34daef46651ce57564b04202') source=("LICENSE" "https://github.com/emlix/e2factory/archive/refs/tags/e2factory-2.3.18p1.tar.gz") # 'e2factory' is chosen instead of 'ebs' as E2_GROUP for better recognizability # E2_GROUP is first set to $(id -gn) to prevent the need of the e2factory group on the build host # Group rights are corrected in the .INSTALL file and group is created by systemd-sysusers build () { cd $pkgname-$pkgname-$pkgver make \ DESTDIR=$pkgdir \ MANDIR=/usr/local/man \ E2_GROUP=$(id -gn) \ all } package() { cd $pkgname-$pkgname-$pkgver make \ MANDIR=/usr/local/man \ DESTDIR=$pkgdir \ E2_GROUP=$(id -gn) \ install make \ DESTDIR=$pkgdir \ MANDIR=/usr/local/man \ E2_GROUP=$(id -gn) \ install-doc install -D -m644 $srcdir/LICENSE $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE }