pkgname='enroot-git' pkgver='3.0.0' pkgrel='1' pkgdesc='A simple yet powerful tool to turn traditional container/OS images into unprivileged sandboxes.' url='' arch=(x86_64) license=(Apache) makedepends=(git gcc make libtool) depends=(jq parallel squashfs-tools) optdepends=(fuse-overlayfs-git libnvidia-container-tools pigz pv squashfuse) conflicts=(enroot) provides=(enroot) install='enroot.install' source=("git+") sha256sums=(SKIP) pkgver() { cd enroot # Remove leading "v"; add "r" before commit count; convert dashes to dots. git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^v// ; s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/ ; s/-/./g' } build() { cd 'enroot' CPPFLAGS="-DALLOW_SPECULATION -DINHERIT_FDS" make -j "$(nproc)" prefix='' exec_prefix=/usr datarootdir=/usr/share } package() { cd 'enroot' DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" make install prefix='' exec_prefix=/usr datarootdir=/usr/share mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/share/bash-completion/completions" mv "${pkgdir}/usr/share/enroot/bash_completion" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/enroot" } backup=(etc/enroot/enroot.conf)