# Maintainer: prg # Contributor: Megameneer (Dennis Holierhoek) pkgname=esrpatch pkgver=02 pkgrel=5 # This line is way over 80 characters, but a clear description for this rather specific tool is hard to make any shorter than this. pkgdesc="A tool to patch DVD disc images for the Sony PlayStation 2 game console to make them burnable and working with ESR, an app for the PlayStation 2 made to play those burned games without swapping" arch=('any') url='http://psx-scene.com/forums/f164/esr-public-beta-58441/' license=('GPL') depends=() makedepends=('w3m') # Backup mirror #source=('http://xannode.com/esrpatch-$pkgver.tar.gz') source=("https://www.psx-place.com/attachments/esrpatch-$pkgver-tar-gz.12843") sha256sums=('9cddd307b2a0ca5f048797c94309700d1dcbf3cfc570e5fab60e5ae6c798ad9f') build() { cd esrpatch gcc main.c -o esrpatch } package() { cd "$srcdir"/esrpatch install -D esrpatch "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/esrpatch } # vim: set ts=8 sw=8 tw=0 noet :