# Maintainer: Jordan Day < jordanday444 at gmail dot com > # Contributor: Kevin MacMartin pkgname=exomizer pkgver=3.1.2 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Compresses files in a way that tries to be as efficient as possible but still allows them to be decompressed in environments where CPU speed and RAM are limited' url='https://bitbucket.org/magli143/exomizer/wiki/Home' license=('CUSTOM') arch=('i686' 'x86_64') depends=('glibc') source=( "https://bitbucket.org/magli143/exomizer/wiki/downloads/$pkgname-$pkgver.zip" 'LICENSE' ) sha512sums=('c63b884c365d3b3682515c0a296b8d33897223eb653a90e30634cea599305c37e002d5a6d166a068aa46e6d50f255563b9f62e571830353ded79c7b65b8e160e' '03d1bf3687622be3c305f9dd7ebe7b2b9930cadc4ed74696ac585f66e005df39ec07a7b083dd412ba8d230926d636b0562512ee6da0d2b608489a552d5471b2c' ) prepare() { if [[ "$CARCH" = 'x86_64' ]]; then sed -i 's|mtune=i686|mtune=generic|' src/Makefile fi } build() { cd src make clean make } package() { install -Dm644 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" for txt in exo20info.txt exobasic10b2.txt exo31info.txt; do install -Dm644 "$txt" "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/$txt" done cd src for bin in exobasic exomizer; do install -Dm755 "$bin" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$bin" done }