# Maintainer: networkjanitor pkgname=ezau-git _pkgname=ezau pkgver=r40.4918d36 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="EVTC Zipper And Uploader" arch=("x86_64") url="https://gitlab.com/dunj3/ezau" license=("MIT") provides=("${_pkgname}") conflicts=("${_pkgname}-bin" "${_pkgname}") makedepends=('cargo' 'git') depends=("openssl") source=( "${_pkgname}::git+https://gitlab.com/dunj3/ezau.git#branch=master" ) sha256sums=('SKIP') backup=( "etc/ezau.toml" ) pkgver() { cd "${_pkgname}" ( set -o pipefail git describe --long 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' || printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" ) } build() { cd "${_pkgname}" cargo build --release --locked --features "im-discord im-matrix" } check() { cd "${_pkgname}" cargo test --release --locked --features "im-discord im-matrix" } package() { cd "${_pkgname}" install -Dm 755 "target/release/ezau" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${_pkgname}" install -Dm 644 "LICENSE" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE" install -Dm 644 "ezau-sample.toml" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${_pkgname}/ezau-sample.toml" install -Dm 644 "ezau-sample.toml" "${pkgdir}/etc/ezau.toml" install -Dm 644 "ezau.service" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/${_pkgname}.service" echo "INFO: Since arcdps.cbtlogs directory configuration is currently only possible on command line,"\ "please edit the /usr/share/${pkgname}/${_pkgname}.service to match the correct path and copy it to ~/.config/systemd/user/"\ "This behavior might change in future versions." # install -Dm 644 "ezau.service" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/user/ezau.service" }