# Maintainer: D. Can Celasun # Contributor: Sebastien Duthil pkgname=factorio-experimental pkgver=0.15.12 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A 2D game about building and maintaining factories (experimental branch)" arch=('x86_64') url="http://www.factorio.com/" license=('custom: commercial') conflicts=('factorio' 'factorio-demo') provides=("factorio=$pkgver") depends=('libxcursor' 'gcc-libs' 'alsa-lib' 'libxrandr' 'libxinerama' 'mesa') md5sums=('5cacd198a3156c157a482aeab368e9a1' '22fce67d66c080fa5c89ab437b3d8724') source=(factorio.desktop LICENSE) options=(!strip) _url=https://www.factorio.com/get-download/${pkgver}/alpha/linux64 _gamepkg=factorio_alpha_x64_${pkgver}.tar.xz build() { msg "You need a full copy of this game in order to install it" local pkgpaths_tries=() [[ $SRCDEST != $startdir ]] && pkgpaths_tries+=("$SRCDEST") pkgpaths_tries+=("$startdir" "$HOME" "${XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR:-$HOME/Downloads}") for pkgpath_try in "${pkgpaths_tries[@]}"; do [[ -z "$pkgpath_try" ]] && continue msg "Searching for ${_gamepkg} in \"${pkgpath_try}\"" if [[ -f "${pkgpath_try}/${_gamepkg}" ]]; then pkgpath="${pkgpath_try}" break fi done while [[ ! -f "${pkgpath}/${_gamepkg}" ]]; do error "Game package not found." read -p "Please provide the path to the directory containing ${_gamepkg} or leave blank to download the game using your Factorio credentials:" pkgpath if [[ -z "$pkgpath" ]]; then _download && pkgpath="$SRCDEST" || true fi done msg "Found game package, unpacking..." tar xf "${pkgpath}/${_gamepkg}" -C "${srcdir}" } # no modifications needed, the executable looks for: # - data in /usr/share/factorio # - config in ~/.factorio package() { cd "$srcdir/factorio" install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications" install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/factorio" install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/factorio" install -d -m777 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/factorio/scenario-pack" install -m755 "bin/x64/factorio" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/factorio" cp -r data/* "$pkgdir/usr/share/factorio" install -m644 "${srcdir}/factorio.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/factorio.desktop" install -m644 "${srcdir}/LICENSE" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/factorio/LICENSE" } _download() { local cookie=$(mktemp) local ret=1 while true; do local login local password local file="${SRCDEST}/${_gamepkg}" read -p "Username or email: " login [[ -n $login ]] && read -sp "Password: " password ; echo if [[ -n $login && -n $password ]]; then msg "Logging in..." local csrf_token=$( curl --silent --fail \ --cookie-jar "$cookie" \ https://www.factorio.com/login \ | grep -Po '(?<=name="csrf_token" type="hidden" value=")[^"]+' ) if [[ -z "$csrf_token" ]]; then error "Could not find the CSRF token. This script might be broken." break fi local output=$( curl --dump-header - \ --silent --fail \ --cookie-jar "$cookie" \ --cookie "$cookie" \ https://www.factorio.com/login \ --data-urlencode username_or_email="$login" \ --data-urlencode password="$password" \ --data-urlencode csrf_token="$csrf_token" \ ) if echo "$output" | grep -q '^Location: '; then msg2 "Logged in" msg "Downloading ${_gamepkg} from $_url ..." curl --retry 10 --retry-delay 3 \ --fail --location \ --cookie "$cookie" \ --continue-at - \ --output "${file}.part" \ "$_url" \ || rm -f "${file}.part" if [[ -f "${file}.part" ]]; then ret=0 msg2 "Download successful" mv "${file}"{.part,} else error "Download failed" fi break else error "Login failed" #echo "$output" read -p "Try again? (Y/n)" [[ $REPLY == n ]] && break fi else break fi done rm $cookie return $ret }