# Maintainer: Christoph Mohr # Contributor: Giovanni 'ItachiSan' Santini # Contributor: Filipe LaĆ­ns (FFY00) # Contributor: Pieter Goetschalckx <3.14.e.ter gmail com> pkgname=ferdi-git _pkgver=5.3.4 pkgver=${_pkgver//-/_} pkgrel=3 pkgdesc='Free messaging app for services like WhatsApp, Slack, Messenger and many more. fork removing the non-skippable app delay frequently inviting you to buy a licence' arch=(x86_64 i686) url='https://github.com/getferdi/ferdi' license=(Apache) conflicts=('ferdi') depends=(electron4) makedepends=(expac git npm python2) source=("git+https://github.com/kytwb/ferdi/" 'ferdi.desktop' 'ferdi.sh') sha512sums=('SKIP' 'e09649fd9daa2b8391ae7a60e3f81c056269d71afc22fe891c89611eb6c927a2b3b9e0bc69aeb859d75bb8bc7a104197d9f956345bd227a5ac995ef93a2bb68c' '54586148db4c1df88099485beae49f7a069fdcbca35ebb4fb3df3a15963f295712d8d9dfeddb1402b3676447eb2e9ea07b28808b0c611fca72617e32777ea7e8') prepare() { # Prepare Python 2 for later mkdir python2_path ln -s `which python2` python2_path/python # Small patching cd ferdi # Prevent ferdi from being launched in dev mode sed -i "s|export const isDevMode = .*|export const isDevMode = false;|g" \ src/environment.js sed -i "s|import isDevMode from 'electron-is-dev'|export const isDevMode = false|g" \ src/index.js # Adjust the electron version to use when building electron_version="`expac %v electron4 | cut -d'-' -f1`" sed -i "s|\(\s\+\"electron4\":\).*,|\1 \"$electron_version\",|" package.json # Adjust node-sass version to avoid build issues npm install "node-sass@4.12.0" # Prepare the packages for building } build() { cd ferdi # Better configuration for npm cache and calling installed binaries export npm_config_cache="$srcdir"/npm_cache export PATH="$srcdir/ferdi/node_modules/.bin:$srcdir/python2_path:$PATH" npm install lerna lerna bootstrap gulp build electron-builder --linux dir } package() { cd ferdi # Install the .asar files install -dm 755 "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/ferdi cp -r --no-preserve=ownership --preserve=mode out/linux-unpacked/resources "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/ferdi/ # Install icon install -Dm 644 "$srcdir"/ferdi.desktop "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/ferdi.desktop install -Dm 644 build-helpers/images/icon.png "$pkgdir"/usr/share/icons/ferdi.png # Install run script install -Dm 755 "$srcdir"/ferdi.sh "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/ferdi }