# Maintainer: Kamran Mackey # Contributor: richteer # Contributor: DrZaius pkgname=ffmpeg-git pkgver=3.2.r80954.gd4c8e93 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video (git version)" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') license=('GPL3' 'Non-free') url="http://ffmpeg.org/" depends=('alsa-lib' 'bzip2' 'fontconfig' 'fribidi' 'gmp' 'gnutls' 'gsm' 'lame' 'libass' 'libavc1394' 'libbluray' 'libiec61883' 'libmodplug' 'libpulse' 'libsoxr' 'libssh' 'libtheora' 'libva' 'libvdpau' 'libwebp' 'netcdf' 'opencore-amr' 'openjpeg' 'opus' 'schroedinger' 'sdl' 'speex' 'v4l-utils' 'xvidcore' 'zlib' 'libvidstab.so' 'libvorbis.so' 'libvorbisenc.so' 'libvpx.so' 'libx264.so' 'libx265.so' 'libfdk-aac') makedepends=('hardening-wrapper' 'ladspa' 'libvdpau' 'yasm' 'git') optdepends=('ladspa: LADSPA filters') provides=('ffmpeg' 'libavcodec.so' 'libavdevice.so' 'libavfilter.so' 'libavformat.so' 'libavresample.so' 'libavutil.so' 'libpostproc.so' 'libswresample.so' 'libswscale.so') conflicts=('ffmpeg' 'ffmpeg-full-git') source=("$pkgname"::'git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git') md5sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd "$srcdir/$pkgname" _ver="$(git describe --tags | sed 's|-[^.]*$||' | sed 's|^n||')" _rev="$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" _gitid="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" echo "${_ver}.r${_rev}.g${_gitid}" } build() { cd "$srcdir/$pkgname" ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-debug \ --disable-static \ --enable-avisynth \ --enable-avresample \ --enable-fontconfig \ --enable-gnutls \ --enable-gpl \ --enable-ladspa \ --enable-libass \ --enable-libbluray \ --enable-libfreetype \ --enable-libfribidi \ --enable-libgsm \ --enable-libmodplug \ --enable-libmp3lame \ --enable-libopencore_amrnb \ --enable-libopencore_amrwb \ --enable-libopenjpeg \ --enable-libopus \ --enable-libfdk-aac \ --enable-libpulse \ --enable-libschroedinger \ --enable-libsoxr \ --enable-libspeex \ --enable-libssh \ --enable-libtheora \ --enable-libv4l2 \ --enable-libvidstab \ --enable-libvorbis \ --enable-libvpx \ --enable-libwebp \ --enable-libx264 \ --enable-libx265 \ --enable-libxvid \ --enable-nonfree \ --enable-shared \ --enable-version3 \ --enable-x11grab \ make EXTRA_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" make tools/qt-faststart make doc/ff{mpeg,play,server}.1 } package() { cd "$srcdir/$pkgname" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install install-man install -D -m755 tools/qt-faststart "$pkgdir/usr/bin/qt-faststart" } # vim: ts=8 sw=8 et: