# Maintainer: Eugene Dvoretsky # Contributor: dreieck pkgname="fiji-binary" pkgver="20141125" pkgrel="1" pkgdesc="ImageJ distribution with a lot of plugins for scientific (especially biology related) image processing." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url='http://fiji.sc/' license=('GPL') _licenses_plugins=('GPL' 'AL' 'SPL' 'LGPL' 'EPL' 'GPL2' 'PD' 'BIG' 'imagescience' 'BSD' 'AGPL' 'MPL1.1' 'CPL' 'PSF2' 'JSF2.1' 'JPSL' 'BSD-like' 'CPL1.0' 'BSDR' 'Citationware') ## Each component has it's individual license, but the AUR does not allow such a big license array ("Error - Package license cannot be greater than 40 characters"), so they are listed in this variable just for information purposes. (The PKGBUILD does not deal with that variable at all.) depends=('java-runtime>=6') optdepends=('java3d: For the 3D viewer plugin.') provides=("fiji=${pkgver}" "fiji-binary=${pkgver}") replaces=("fiji<=${pkgver}" "fiji-binary<=${pkgver}") conflicts=("fiji-binary-latest") install=fiji.install ## Life-line source=("http://fiji.sc/downloads/Life-Line/fiji-nojre-${pkgver}.zip" "fiji.desktop" "fiji.install") sha256sums=('43e74e668a83e78d323bf7bcb71e8cc587f453164eedf6460d7aba3736c6d307' 'aabd26ddf25802e852f14000b19c714f8f1016c863ba1ceed28b840fee332b07' '6dcc861af9328076282893ffcecc77a7fee448cec51fb7ccd51c5cece9740fa1') ## Latest (continuous) build # source=("http://jenkins.imagej.net/job/Stable-Fiji/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/fiji-nojre.zip" # "fiji.desktop" # "fiji.install") # sha256sums=('SKIP' # 'aabd26ddf25802e852f14000b19c714f8f1016c863ba1ceed28b840fee332b07' # '6dcc861af9328076282893ffcecc77a7fee448cec51fb7ccd51c5cece9740fa1') _userexecutable="fiji" # That name to be presented to the user. _executablebase="ImageJ-linux" if test "$CARCH" == "x86_64"; then _executable="${_executablebase}64" else _executable="${_executablebase}" fi build() { _extractdir="${srcdir}/Fiji.app" cd "${_extractdir}" || exit 11 # Remove: # * executables not suiting our architecture # * an ampty dir # * useless updater _removefrompackage=('Contents' 'ImageJ-linux32' 'ImageJ-linux64' 'ImageJ-win32.exe' 'ImageJ-win64.exe' 'plugins/Fiji_Updater.jar' ) _executablebak="$(mktemp)" || exit 21 # Save the executable matching our architecture. # Dry run to update plugins status # This was a fix for 20140602, but brokes distribution in newer versions # "./${_executable}" --update list-local-only cp "${_executable}" "${_executablebak}" || exit 31 rm -Rf "${_removefrompackage[@]}" || exit 41 mv "${_executablebak}" "${_executable}" || exit 51 chmod a+x "${_executable}" || exit 56 ln -sf "${_executable}" "${_userexecutable}" || exit 61 # Associate fiji.desktop with appropriate binary sed -ie "s/Exec=.*$/Exec=${_executable} %F/g" "${srcdir}/fiji.desktop" # FIJI creates own invalid desktop entry by # plugins/Scripts/Plugins/Utilities/Create_Desktop_Icon.bsh } package() { _extractdir="${srcdir}/Fiji.app" _targetdirinrootfs="/opt/fiji" _targetdir="${pkgdir}${_targetdirinrootfs}" _bindir="${pkgdir}/usr/bin" mkdir -p "${_targetdir}" || exit 111 mkdir -p "${_bindir}" || exit 116 mkdir -p --mode=777 "${_targetdir}/samples" # Folder for image samples cache cp -afv "${_extractdir}"/* "${_targetdir}" || exit 121 chown -R root:root "${_targetdir}" || true cd "${_bindir}" || exit 125 # ln -sf "${_targetdir}/${_userexecutable}" "${_bindir}/${_userexecutable}" || exit 131 # We do NOT create a executable "fiji" in the PATH, since one may want to create a custum /usr/local/bin/fiji for setting JAVA_HOME to the SUN/Oracle java. Instead, we name the executable associated with the architecture, and have "fiji" in the /opt-dir. ln -sf "${_targetdirinrootfs}/${_executable}" "${_executable}" || exit 135 install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/fiji.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/fiji.desktop" }