# Maintainer: Phillip Smith # http://github.com/fukawi2/aur-packages ### I AM ONLY THE PACKAGER, NOT THE DEVELOPER ### Please ask support questions about this software in one of: ### 1) The AUR comments; OR ### 2) Upstream forums/maillist etc; OR ### 3) The ArchLinux forums ### I do not always know enough about the software itself, or don't have the ### time to promptly respond to direct emails. ### If you have found a problem with the package/PKGBUILD (as opposed to ### the software) then please do email me or post an AUR comment. pkgname=firestarter pkgver=1.0.3 pkgrel=15 pkgdesc="GUI front-end for iptables" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') license=('GPL2') depends=('net-tools' 'iptables' 'gtk2' 'libgnome' 'libgnomeui' 'libglade' 'pango' 'gksu' 'perl-xml-parser') makedepends=('patch') url="http://www.fs-security.com/" install="${pkgname}.install" source=("http://downloads.sourceforge.net/firestarter/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz" '12-firestarter_transparent_icon.patch' '18-fix_memleak.patch' '20-net-tools-ifconfig-format-change.patch' '30-conntrack-proc-path.patch' 'events-log-fix.patch' 'menu-toolbar-icons-fix.patch' 'firestarter.service') md5sums=('f46860a9e16dac4b693bd05f16370b03' 'b657c53280b30f1b4976ec01eff085e8' 'b31efd1caf430d979e26abb2618a3659' '7bcd40b3690e3833078ea31a8a9935f1' '56d77ceb2a6b249c01922ccc46b12eb6' 'acd91fefe00edb41dd38fcc91567707f' 'ea9cd9b92939c554b26ccdfe735a2d90' '3ad02ca9c95f7b897e1b57b040148a2a') prepare() { cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver # Apply patches to fix things # Transparent tray icon (from Ubuntu launchpad) patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/12-firestarter_transparent_icon.patch # fix GUI crashes on newer Gnome libs (from Ubuntu launchpad) patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/18-fix_memleak.patch # patch to use the new 'ifconfig' from net-tools (thanks to Joeny Ang) patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/20-net-tools-ifconfig-format-change.patch # Replace kernel.log with iptables.log patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/events-log-fix.patch # menu-toolbar-icons-fix.patch: fixed a couple menu and toolbar icons to follow GTK theme patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/menu-toolbar-icons-fix.patch # path to the conn track table in /proc has changed patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/30-conntrack-proc-path.patch } build() { cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver # Configure, Build and Install to $pkgdir export LDFLAGS='-lX11' ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --localstatedir=/var make } package() { cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver make GCONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL=1 DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install # Create default empty ruleset and fix permissions install -dm755 "$pkgdir"/etc/firestarter/outbound/ touch "$pkgdir"/etc/firestarter/outbound/allow-service chown -R root:root "$pkgdir"/etc/firestarter/ # Fix the desktop launcher to run with root permission using gksudo. sed -e "s|Exec=|TryExec=gksu\n\0gksu |" \ -i "$pkgdir"/usr/share/gnome/apps/Internet/firestarter.desktop # Move the .desktop file to a standard location install -Dm644 "$pkgdir"/usr/share/gnome/apps/Internet/${pkgname}.desktop \ "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/share/gnome # Merge Schema files to /usr/share/gconf so the .install file can update the database at install time. install -dm755 "$pkgdir"/usr/share/gconf/schemas gconf-merge-schema "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas \ "$srcdir"/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/*.schemas rm -Rf "$pkgdir"/etc/gconf # install systemd "unit file" install -D -m755 "$srcdir"/firestarter.service "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/systemd/system/firestarter.service } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: