# Maintainer: Alex Tharp _appname=firestorm-next pkgname="${_appname}-bin" pkgver= pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="[PRE-RELEASE] Firestorm is a feature-packed third-party viewer for Second Life. This is the *alpha* release that currently features PBR support. **USE AT YOUR OWN RISK**" url="http://www.firestormviewer.org/" license=('GPL') arch=('x86_64') depends=(apr-util dbus-glib glu gtk2 lib32-libidn lib32-libsndfile lib32-util-linux lib32-zlib libbsd libgl libidn libjpeg-turbo libpng libxcrypt-compat libxss libxml2 mesa nss openal sdl vlc zlib) optdepends=( 'alsa-lib: for ALSA support' 'pepper-flash: for inworld Flash support' 'freealut: for OpenAL support' 'gstreamer: For video support - may need good, bad and ugly plugins' 'lib32-gst-plugins-good: for voice support' 'lib32-libidn11: for voice support' 'libpulse: for PulseAudio support' 'mesa-libgl: For Intel, Radeon, Nouveau support' 'nvidia-libgl: for NVIDIA support' 'nvidia-utils: for NVIDIA support') install="${_appname}.install" source=("${_appname}.desktop" "${_appname}.launcher") md5sums=('bdf52344099529a7006ea67426239182' '6a56b1a0df5960481ad40ed40dca8f91') _tar_md5sum='84b45ab547496e6881fc0db4269aeb35' # verified in prepare() # Text formatting _bold_font_weight=$(tput bold) _normal_font_weight=$(tput sgr0) _red_font_color=$(tput setaf 1) _reset_font_color=$(tput sgr0) prepare() { printf "\nPlease obtain the private URL for version ${pkgver} of Firestorm by joining the Firestorm Preview group and looking under the \"Linux for Second Life (64-bit)\" section in the attached notecard of the most recent alpha/beta notice. ${_bold_font_weight}Do ${_red_font_color}not${_reset_font_color}${_bold_font_weight} share this URL.\n\n" printf "${_bold_font_weight}Group URL: ${_normal_font_weight}https://my.secondlife.com/groups/7ba4569c-9dd9-fed2-aaa7-36065d18a13c\n" printf "${_bold_font_weight}Inworld Group URI: ${_normal_font_weight}secondlife:///app/group/7ba4569c-9dd9-fed2-aaa7-36065d18a13c/about\n\n" printf "${_bold_font_weight}Enter the download URL here:${_normal_font_weight} " read -r _url _tardir=$(basename "${_url}" .tar.xz) echo "${_tardir}" > "${srcdir}/.tardir" # needed in package() # Download and verify curl -o "${srcdir}/${_tardir}.tar.xz" "$_url" if ! echo "${_tar_md5sum} ${srcdir}/${_tardir}.tar.xz" | md5sum -c --status; then printf "${_bold_font_weight}${_red_font_color}==> ERROR:${_reset_font_color} ${_bold_font_weight}The file downloaded from the provided URL did not pass the validity check!\n" >&2 return 1 fi cd "${srcdir}" tar -xf "${_tardir}.tar.xz" } package() { read -r _tardir < "${srcdir}/.tardir" install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/lib" cp -a "${srcdir}/${_tardir}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${_appname}" cd "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${_appname}" find app_settings skins -type f -execdir chmod 644 "{}" + # find and remove broken symlinks find -L . -type l -delete # Install desktop file install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/${_appname}.desktop" \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/${_appname}.desktop" # Install icon file install -D -m644 firestorm_icon.png \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/${_appname}.png" # Install launcher install -D -m755 "${srcdir}/${_appname}.launcher" \ "$pkgdir/usr/bin/${_appname}" }