# Maintainer: Joan Bruguera Micó pkgname='folding' pkgdesc='Combined instrumentation and sampling for instantaneous metric evolution with low overhead (from BSC).' pkgver='' pkgrel='1' arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url='https://www.bsc.es/discover-bsc/organisation/scientific-structure/performance-tools' license=('GPL3') depends=(boost qt5-base libbsctools r clang python) makedepends=(gcc-fortran) source=("https://ftp.tools.bsc.es/$pkgname/$pkgname-${pkgver%.*}-src.tar.bz2" python3-ports.patch) sha512sums=(386cefcb07afb813bff94a17730c13266c81a5470c719f6846132249419c99183478512d59c4a3baa70282d66e9fb46e7a75f2a1851491d209aa65a4df44b852 f62af324cfe585605dbdfdb87fa7877cb794ba854c1445193710f22ce3cb92effcfcb7c6b8e32286f927bd0804478580b6358b62f15cba789359862bc0589aa1) prepare() { cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-${pkgver%.*}" # WORKAROUND: The configure/make scripts check if a static version (.a) of the libbsctools libraries # are installed, and fails to detect libbsctools if they aren't. # Since we're going to link against the dynamic version (.so) as is typical in Arch, # hack it up to check for the dynamic version consistently instead sed -i 's/\.a/.so/g' config/libbsctools.m4 # WORKAROUND: And this dependency is missing in the automake scripts, # so the make process breaks when running the autoreconf, so add it again echo 'kriger_test_DEPENDENCIES = libkriger.la' >> 'src/interpolate/service-kriger/Makefile.am' autoreconf -i -f -I config # WORKAROUND: Fix some scripts that still only work with Python 2 patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/python3-ports.patch" } build() { cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-${pkgver%.*}" # NOTE: The following optional features are NOT enabled: # * LaTeX documentation ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-libbsctools=/usr make } package() { cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-${pkgver%.*}" make prefix="$pkgdir/usr/" install # FIXME: Why are those libraries from libbsctools copied to the package directory when installing? rm "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libparavertraceconfig.so" rm "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libparavertraceparser.so" }