# Maintainer: Giovanni 'ItachiSan' Santini # Contributor: Filipe LaĆ­ns (FFY00) # Contributor: Pieter Goetschalckx <3.14.e.ter gmail com> pkgname=franz #pkgver=${_pkgver//-/_} # Leaving it here for possible dev/beta package :) pkgver=5.7.0 pkgrel=5 # Due to the previous "_beta" naming epoch=1 pkgdesc='Free messaging app for services like WhatsApp, Slack, Messenger and many more.' arch=(x86_64 i686) url='https://meetfranz.com' license=(Apache) # Allow to easily switch between Electron versions. # Expected one is 'electron10' (Electron 10). May change soon. # This is automatically replaced in `franz.sh` with the package name, as # the executable matches the package name (as of 2020-11-15). _electron='electron12' depends=($_electron) makedepends=(expac git nvm python python2) source=("git+https://github.com/meetfranz/$pkgname#tag=v$pkgver" franz.desktop franz.sh.in) sha512sums=('SKIP' '049c4bf2e0f362f892e8eef28dd18a6c321251c686a9c9e49e4abfb778057de2fc68b95b4ff7bb8030a828a48b58554a56b810aba078c220cb01d5837083992e' '7ccf058421b173830493f35417d204e3a735fc20f801283dad3f658abeb484f6244bc535634c2f02ab2cb8e35a0e1a92dd3d06be5943e121ddccbbee7ad74b48') # Helper function for setting up nvm nicely. # Found here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Node.js_package_guidelines#Using_nvm # Personal extras at the bottom of the function :) _ensure_nvm_setup() { # let's be sure we are starting clean which nvm >/dev/null 2>&1 && nvm deactivate && nvm unload export NVM_DIR="$srcdir/.nvm" # The init script returns 3 if version specified # in ./.nvrc is not (yet) installed in $NVM_DIR # but nvm itself still gets loaded ok source /usr/share/nvm/init-nvm.sh || [[ $? != 1 ]] # Personal extras # Avoid installing Electron as we use the system one export ELECTRON_SKIP_BINARY_DOWNLOAD=1 # For safety, define the NPM cache in $srcdir # Better configuration for npm cache and calling installed binaries export npm_config_cache="$srcdir/npm_cache" } prepare() { # Small patching cd "$pkgname" # Adjust the electron version to use when building echo "--> Using Electron package: $_electron" electron_version="`expac %v $_electron | cut -d'-' -f1`" echo "--> Electron package version: $electron_version" sed -i -E "s|(\s+\"electron\":).*,|\1 \"$electron_version\",|" package.json # Prevent Franz from being launched in development mode # This changes all the occurences where 'isDevMode' is set to a value. grep -lr 'isDevMode =' src | xargs sed -E 's|^(.*isDevMode =) .*$|\1 false|' -i # Setup nvm _ensure_nvm_setup echo "--> Install toolchain with nvm" nvm install echo "--> Install modules dependencies with lerna" npx --package="lerna@^3.8.0" lerna bootstrap } build() { cd "$pkgname" # Be sure we are correctly setup _ensure_nvm_setup # Actually build the package echo "--> Building the package" npx gulp build npx electron-builder --linux dir } package() { cd $pkgname # Point the proper Electron package version, so that people can complain when it's updated. # This is for extra safety & reminds me of upgrading the package. electron_version="`expac %v $_electron | cut -d'-' -f1`" depends=("${_electron}=${electron_version}") # Install the .asar files install -dm 755 "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname" cp -r --no-preserve=ownership --preserve=mode out/linux-unpacked/resources "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/" # Install icon install -Dm 644 "$srcdir/franz.desktop" "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/franz.desktop" install -Dm 644 build-helpers/images/icon.png "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/franz.png" # Install run script sed "s|@ELECTRON@|$_electron|" "$srcdir/franz.sh.in" > franz.sh install -Dm 755 franz.sh "$pkgdir/usr/bin/franz" }