# Maintainer : Daniel Bermond < gmail-com: danielbermond > # NOTE: # This is a header-only library. No dependecy is needed and no build is necessary. # If you want to build the checks/tests, uncomment the blocks in checkdepends, build() and check(). pkgname=fxdiv-git pkgver=r51.811b482 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc='Header-only library for division via fixed-point multiplication by inverse (git version)' arch=('any') url='https://github.com/Maratyszcza/FXdiv/' license=('MIT') makedepends=('git') #checkdepends=( # official repositories: # 'python2' 'ninja' # AUR: # 'confu2-git' #) provides=('fxdiv') conflicts=('fxdiv') source=("$pkgname"::'git+https://github.com/Maratyszcza/FXdiv.git') sha256sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd "$pkgname" # git, no tags available printf 'r%s.%s' "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" } # uncomment this block to build and run the checks/tests #build() { # cd "$pkgname" # confu2 setup # python2 ./configure.py # ninja #} # #check() { # cd "${pkgname}/bin" # local _test # for _test in * # do # printf '%s\n' " -> Running test '${_test}'..." # ./"$_test" # done #} package() { cd "${pkgname}" # headers mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/include" install -D -m644 include/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/include" # license install -D -m644 LICENSE -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" }