_npmname_base=gamecode _npmname=${_npmname_base}-cli _npmscope=@camoto pkgname=${_npmname} # All lowercase pkgver=latest pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Modify text strings in executable files used by MS-DOS games" arch=(any) url="http://github.com/Malvineous/${_npmname_base}js" license=() depends=('nodejs' ) makedepends=('npm') optdepends=() pkgver() { # Grab the latest version from npmjs.org #npm view "${_npmscope}/${_npmname}@latest" version # ...but as a dodgy hack use the version of the parent package instead. This # way when the base library gets updated this package version number will # change to match, even though technically the package we're installing # hasn't been updated, only one of its dependencies has. npm view "${_npmscope}/${_npmname_base}@latest" version } package() { #npm install -g --user root --prefix "${pkgdir}/usr" "${_npmscope}/${_npmname}@${pkgver}" # We should be installing ${pkgver} but since that is now the parent library # version, it won't match the -cli package version. So we just use 'latest' # to get whatever CLI version is there. It will always install the latest # version of the underlying library because of the '*' spec in package.json # so it should always match the $pkgver. npm install -g --user root --prefer-online --prefix "${pkgdir}/usr" "${_npmscope}/${_npmname}@latest" # Non-deterministic race in npm gives 777 permissions to random directories. # See https://github.com/npm/cli/issues/1103 for details. find "${pkgdir}/usr" -type d -exec chmod 755 {} + # npm gives ownership of ALL FILES to build user # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/63396 chown -R root:root "${pkgdir}" # Remove references to srcdir/pkgdir find "$pkgdir" -name package.json -print0 | xargs -r -0 sed -i '/_where/d' }