# Maintainer: Sylvain POULAIN # Contributor: Jaroslav Lichtblau # Contributor: dibblethewrecker dibblethewrecker.at.jiwe.dot.org # Contributor: William Rea # Contributor: Luigi Ranghetti # Contributor: Oliver Kuster # # Original can be found at: # https://github.com/archlinux/svntogit-community/blob/packages/gdal/trunk/PKGBUILD pkgbase=gdal-ecw _pkgbase=gdal provides=('gdal=3.6.0') conflicts=('gdal') pkgname=('gdal-ecw' 'python-gdal-ecw') pkgver=3.6.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A translator library for raster geospatial data formats, with support to ECW format. Based on gdal-hdf4 AUR package." arch=('x86_64') url="https://gdal.org/" license=('custom') depends=('curl' 'geos' 'giflib' 'hdf5' 'libgeotiff' 'libjpeg-turbo' 'libpng' 'libspatialite' 'libtiff' 'netcdf' 'openjpeg2' 'poppler' 'cfitsio' 'sqlite' 'mariadb-libs' 'postgresql-libs' 'xerces-c' 'json-c' 'arrow' 'pcre2' # needed for ecw support: 'libecwj2' ) makedepends=(cmake opencl-headers python-setuptools python-numpy proj arrow blosc cfitsio curl crypto++ libdeflate expat libfreexl libgeotiff geos giflib libheif hdf5 libjpeg-turbo json-c xz libxml2 lz4 mariadb-libs netcdf unixodbc ocl-icd openexr openjpeg2 openssl pcre2 libpng podofo poppler postgresql-libs qhull libspatialite sqlite swig libtiff libwebp xerces-c zlib zstd) optdepends=('postgresql: postgresql database support' 'mariadb: mariadb database support' 'perl: perl binding support' 'unixodbc: when present while building, will add odbc support' ) options=('!emptydirs') changelog=$pkgbase.changelog source=(https://download.osgeo.org/${_pkgbase}/${pkgver}/${_pkgbase}-${pkgver}.tar.xz) b2sums=('f57b57bb460bf4cb3d601f981e3315b164bcf2f6da1f1b7e72f9ce771e58e4c88619833ca366b6a7c70ed1032bcf3c959f81d60254e136b40fb715937a7e5a59') build() { cmake -B build -S $_pkgbase-$pkgver \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DENABLE_IPO=ON \ -DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_PLUGINS=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_ARROW=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_BLOSC=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_CFITSIO=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_CURL=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_CRYPTOPP=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_DEFLATE=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_EXPAT=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_FREEXL=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_GEOTIFF=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_GEOS=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_GIF=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_HEIF=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_HDF5=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_ICONV=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_JPEG=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_JSONC=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_LIBKML=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_LIBLZMA=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_LIBXML2=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_LZ4=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_MYSQL=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_NETCDF=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_ODBC=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_OPENCL=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_OPENEXR=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_OPENJPEG=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_OPENSSL=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_PARQUET=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_PCRE2=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_PNG=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_POPPLER=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_POSTGRESQL=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_QHULL=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_SPATIALITE=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_SQLITE3=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_TIFF=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_WEBP=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_XERCESC=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_ZLIB=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_ZSTD=ON make -C build } package_gdal-ecw () { depends=(proj blosc crypto++ curl libdeflate expat libfreexl geos libgeotiff giflib libjpeg-turbo json-c xz libxml2 lz4 unixodbc ocl-icd openssl pcre2 libpng qhull libspatialite sqlite libtiff xerces-c zlib zstd # https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/6281 # optdepends should be either hard deps or split package # due to upstream design choice - hard dep for the moment arrow cfitsio hdf5 libheif mariadb-libs netcdf openexr openjpeg2 podofo poppler postgresql-libs libwebp libecwj2) # optdepends=('arrow: Arrow/Parquet support' # 'cfitsio: FITS support' # 'hdf5: HDF5 support' # 'libheif: HEIF support' # 'mariadb-libs: MySQL support' # 'netcdf: netCDF support' # 'openexr: EXR support' # 'openjpeg2: JP2 support' # 'podofo: PDF support' # 'poppler: PDF support' # 'postgresql-libs: PostgreSQL support' # 'libwebp: WebP support') make -C build DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install install -Dm644 ${_pkgbase}-${pkgver}/LICENSE.TXT -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/$_pkgbase/ # Move python stuff mkdir -p {bin,lib} mv "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/*py bin mv "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/python* lib } package_python-gdal-ecw () { pkgdesc="Python bindings for GDAL, with support to ECW format" provides=("python-gdal") conflicts=("python-gdal") depends=("gdal-ecw=$pkgver" 'python-numpy') optdepends=() install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/{bin,lib} mv bin/* "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin mv lib/* "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses ln -s $_pkgbase "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname }