# Maintainer: Iru Cai # Contributor: Alexander Hunziker # Contributor: Alessio Biancalana # Contributor: Massimiliano Torromeo pkgname=gegl-git pkgver= pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Graph based image processing framework" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://www.gegl.org" license=('GPL3' 'LGPL3') depends=('babl>=0.1.24' 'libspiro' 'json-glib') makedepends=('git' 'intltool' 'python2' 'ruby' 'lua' 'libraw' 'openexr' 'ffmpeg' 'librsvg' 'jasper' 'libtiff' 'suitesparse' 'gobject-introspection') optdepends=('openexr: for using the openexr plugin' 'ffmpeg: for using the ffmpeg plugin' 'librsvg: for using the svg plugin' 'libtiff: tiff plugin' 'jasper: for using the jasper plugin' 'libraw: raw plugin' 'suitesparse: matting-levin plugin' 'lua: lua plugin') provides=("gegl=${pkgver}") conflicts=('gegl>=0.3.0') options=(!libtool) source=(git://git.gnome.org/gegl) md5sums=('SKIP') _gitroot=GITURL _gitname=gegl build() { cd "$srcdir/$_gitname" ./autogen.sh ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-sdl --with-openexr --with-librsvg \ --with-libavformat --with-jasper --disable-docs \ --enable-workshop \ --enable-introspection=yes make } package() { cd "$srcdir/$_gitname" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install } pkgver() { cd $_gitname git describe --always | sed -e 's/GEGL_//' -e 's/-g.*$//' -e 's/[_-]/./g' }