# Maintainer: eomanis at web dot de pkgname='getgarfield' _pkgverUpstream="0.2.1" pkgver="${_pkgverUpstream//-/.}" pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Java application that downloads all Garfield comic strips" arch=('any') url='https://eomanis.duckdns.org/permshare/getgarfield/' license=('GPL3') depends=('java-runtime-headless>=8' 'bash') makedepends=('java-environment>=8') source=("https://eomanis.duckdns.org/permshare/getgarfield/getgarfield-${_pkgverUpstream}.tar.gz") sha384sums=('aafa5cb7caa2232fe5a17093f2520aaf5b07064418f4e67475f8a9e35113b4800b36f053e05c86a623fb5b42fbcfaa83') build() { local IFS=$'\n' local programEntryPoint="getgarfield.GetGarfield" local -a jarItemsArgs # Create a clean jar directory representing the contents of the .jar # file that is being built rm -rf jar mkdir -p jar # Populate the jar directory echo "Preparing temporary .jar directory" >&2 # Copy everything from the src subdirectory into jar rsync -rWtl "${pkgname}-${_pkgverUpstream}/src/" jar # Copy all top-level items from the sources directory into jar # except the src subdirectory and any .hidden files find "${pkgname}-${_pkgverUpstream}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -name 'src' -not -name '.*' -exec rsync -rWtl '{}' jar ';' # Compile the sources to .class files into jar echo "Compiling java sources" >&2 javac -source 8 -classpath "" -d jar -encoding UTF-8 \ $(find jar -type f -name '*.java' -print) # Create a versioned runnable .jar file containing the contents of # the jar directory and having the correct program entry point echo "Creating getgarfield-${pkgver}.jar" >&2 while read -rsd $'\n' item; do jarItemsArgs+=( -C ) jarItemsArgs+=( jar ) jarItemsArgs+=( "$item" ) done < <(find jar -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -printf '%P\n') jar ce "$programEntryPoint" \ "${jarItemsArgs[@]}" \ > "getgarfield-${pkgver}.jar" # Create a bash launcher echo -n \ '#!/bin/bash /usr/bin/java -jar "$(dirname "$0")"/getgarfield.jar "$@" ' > getgarfield } package() { mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" cd "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" # Place the .jar file and create a non-versioned symlink to it cp --target-directory . "${srcdir}/getgarfield-${pkgver}.jar" chmod u=rwx,go=rx "getgarfield-${pkgver}.jar" ln -s "/usr/bin/getgarfield-${pkgver}.jar" "getgarfield.jar" # Place the bash launcher cp --target-directory . "${srcdir}/getgarfield" chmod u=rwx,go=rx "getgarfield" }