# Maintainer: Doug Johnson pkgname=gitlab-ci-local-git pkgver=4.23.0.r0.g2195c19 pkgrel=2 source=('gitlab-ci-local-git::git+https://github.com/firecow/gitlab-ci-local.git') md5sums=('SKIP') pkgdesc="Run gitlab pipelines locally as shell executor or docker executor" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="https://github.com/firecow/gitlab-ci-local" license=('MIT') makedepends=('git' 'sed' 'npm' 'typescript') # TODO Don't bundle ts-node with the build perhaps # so we can use the system's version #depends=('ts-node') pkgver() { cd "$pkgname" git describe --tags --long | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } options=("!strip") build() { cd "$pkgname" npm install npm run build } package() { cd "$pkgname" npm run pkg-linux mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/bin cp ./bin/linux/gitlab-ci-local $pkgdir/usr/bin }