# Maintainer: Fabio 'Lolix' Loli -> https://github.com/FabioLolix # Contributor: RobbeR49 pkgname=gmusicbrowser-git pkgver= pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="Open-source jukebox for large collections of mp3/ogg/flac files, written in perl." arch=(any) url="https://gmusicbrowser.org/" license=(GPL3) depends=(perl-gtk3 perl-net-dbus perl-locale-gettext perl-glib-object-introspection) makedepends=(git discount) optdepends=('alsa-utils: enables the ALSA backend' 'flac123: flac support for the ALSA backend' 'mpg321: mp3 support for the ALSA backend' 'vorbis-tools: vorbis support for the ALSA backend' 'mplayer: enables the mplayer backend' 'mpv: enables the mpv backend' 'gst-plugins-base: vorbis support' 'gst-plugins-good: flac support' 'gst-plugins-ugly: mp3 support' 'libappindicator-gtk3: tray icon support' 'webkit2gtk: alternative web-based plugin support' 'libwnck3: titlebar plugin support' 'perl-html-parser: support for accented characters in lyrics plugin' 'libnotify: support for notify plugin') provides=(gmusicbrowser) conflicts=(gmusicbrowser) source=("git+https://github.com/squentin/gmusicbrowser.git") sha256sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname%-git}" git describe --long | sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } build() { cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname%-git}" make } package() { cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname%-git}" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install }