# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 # Maintainer: Sam Day # Maintainer: Pellegrino Prevete # Maintainer: Truocolo # Contributor: Sam Whited # Contributor: geno # Contributor: # Contributor: Julian Fairfax # Contributor: vpzomtrrfrt pkgname=gnome-chatty # NOTE! Make sure to update the libcmatrixrev that Chatty is using when bumping Chatty version. # See below for more info. pkgver=0.8.2 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc='XMPP and SMS messaging via libpurple and ModemManager' url='https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Chatty' license=( GPL3 ) arch=(aarch64 x86_64) depends=( evolution-data-server feedbackd gnome-desktop-4 libadwaita libhandy libmm-glib libolm libpurple-carbons ) optdepends=( 'libpurple-lurch: XMPP E2E OMEMO encryption' 'purple-xmpp-http-upload: XMPP HTTP Upload - Filesharing' ) makedepends=( itstool meson pkg-config ) _srcname="Chatty-v${pkgver}" source=("${url}/-/archive/v${pkgver}/${_srcname}.tar.gz") # The following is a temporary hack to workaround upstream not including libcmatrix in source tarball: # https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Chatty/-/issues/869 # libcmatrix doesn't have a tagged release yet, so just download the rev that Chatty is using. _libcmatrixrev='702b894675f12ecd43439b3b3eee66cc74899b82' source+=("https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/libcmatrix/-/archive/${_libcmatrixrev}/libcmatrix-main.tar.gz") sha256sums=('02bd3a7c64655becc962b6df5c391b295c2030cc6e5e3f58da8f0bb5afceb6eb' '68e06a610bf86ddb83d6567617228fa66eeb14a2ee3ed90f3a9d04ad8569e951') build() { cp -R libcmatrix-702b894675f12ecd43439b3b3eee66cc74899b82/* "${_srcname}/subprojects/libcmatrix" cd "${_srcname}" arch-meson build meson compile -C build } package() { cd "${_srcname}" meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir" }