# Maintainer: XZS # This PKGBUILD is maintained on GitHub . # You may find it convenient to file issues and pull requests there. pkgname=gnome-shell-extension-activities-config pkgver=36 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Configure the Activities Button with the Activities Configurator Extension and the Gnome Shell Extension Preferences Tool." arch=(any) url="https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/358/activities-configurator/" license=(GPLv2) depends=('gnome-shell>=3.8') source=("extension.html::$url" 'archlinux-logo-gray-scalable.svg') md5sums=('SKIP' '69063bc3433d20d9de0f9dce2269186b') find_version() { if [ ! -d version ]; then grep -Po '(?<=data-svm=").*(?=")' extension.html | # extract version information sed 's/"/"/g' | # unescape quotes sed 's/[{ ,]*"[[:digit:].]\+": {"pk": \([[:digit:]]\+\), "version": \([[:digit:]]\+\)}[ ,}]*/\2 \1\n/g' | # list one version per line sort -nr | head -n1 | tr ' ' '\n' > version # get newest and write fi } pkgver() { find_version head -n1 version } prepare() { find_version local name=$(tail -n1 version).shell-extension.zip if [ ! -f $name ] then curl -LO "https://extensions.gnome.org/review/download/$name" unzip -od extension $name fi } build() { cd extension sed -i '/^const ICON_FILE =.*$/{ s|face-smile-3.svg|archlinux-logo-gray-scalable.svg|; s|//.*|// Arch Linux Icon.|}' keys.js cp --remove-destination ../archlinux-logo-gray-scalable.svg archlinux-logo-gray-scalable.svg } package() { for function in $(declare -F | grep -Po 'package_[[:digit:]]+[[:alpha:]_]*$') do $function done } package_01_locate() { msg2 'Locating extension...' cd "$(dirname $(find -name 'metadata.json' -print -quit))" extname=$(grep -Po '(?<="uuid": ")[^"]*' metadata.json) destdir="$pkgdir/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/$extname" } package_02_install() { msg2 'Installing extension code...' find -maxdepth 1 \( -iname '*.js*' -or -iname '*.css' -or -iname '*.ui' \) -exec install -Dm644 -t "$destdir" '{}' + } if [ -z "$install" ] then install=gschemas.install fi package_10_schemas() { msg2 'Installing schemas...' find -name '*.xml' -exec install -Dm644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas" '{}' + } package_10_locale() { msg2 'Installing translations...' ( cd locale for locale in */ do install -Dm644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/locale/$locale/LC_MESSAGES" "$locale/LC_MESSAGES"/*.mo done ) } depends+=(gnome-shell-extensions) package_03_unify_conveniencejs() { ln -fs \ ../user-theme@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com/convenience.js \ "$destdir/convenience.js" } package_09_icon() { install -Dm644 *.svg "$destdir" }