# Maintainer: obedmr # Contributor: fzerorubigd # Contributor: Vesa Kaihlavirta # Contributor: Alexander Rødseth # Contributor: Rémy Oudompheng # Contributor: Andres Perera # Contributor: Matthew Bauer # Contributor: Christian Himpel # Contributor: Mike Rosset # Contributor: Daniel YC Lin # Contributor: John Luebs pkgname=go-git epoch=1 pkgver=1.9beta2.r553.ge11fd00629 pkgrel=1 provides=(go=1.9) conflicts=('go' 'go-hg') pkgdesc='Compiler and tools for the Go programming language from Google' arch=('x86_64' 'i686') url='http://golang.org/' license=('BSD') depends=('perl' 'gawk') makedepends=('inetutils' 'git' 'go>=1.4') options=('!strip' 'staticlibs') optdepends=('mercurial: for fetching sources from mercurial repositories' 'git: for fetching sources from git repositories' 'bzr: for fetching sources from bazaar repositories' 'subversion: for fetching sources from subversion repositories') install="$pkgname.install" source=("$pkgname::git+https://github.com/golang/go.git") md5sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd "$pkgname" git describe --long --tags | sed -r 's/^go//;s/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } build() { cd "$pkgname/src" export GOROOT="$srcdir/$pkgname" export GOBIN="$GOROOT/bin" export GOPATH="$srcdir/" export GOROOT_FINAL=/usr/lib/go export GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP="$GOROOT_FINAL" # # Arch Linux normally does not enable SSE2 for i686 because of older CPUs. # # However, exceptions are made for: # * Chromium, which is not expected to be used on older i686 CPUs # * Julia, which requires SSE2 # # Go is so slow that it is unusable on i686 when SSE2 is not enabled, so I am # also making an exception for Go. # # If you really want to build Go without SSE2 support, just uncomment the # following export and rebuild: # # export GO386=387 # Enable ARM crosscompilation for linux export GOOS=linux export GOARCH=arm bash make.bash # Crosscompilation for various platforms (including linux) for os in linux; do # darwin freebsd windows; do for arch in amd64 386; do export GOOS="$os" export GOARCH="$arch" bash make.bash --no-clean done done GOOS=linux case "$CARCH" in x86_64) GOARCH=amd64 ;; i686) GOARCH=386 ;; esac $GOROOT/bin/go get -v -d golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc $GOROOT/bin/go build -o $srcdir/godoc golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc for tool in cover; do $GOROOT/bin/go get -v -d golang.org/x/tools/cmd/${tool} $GOROOT/bin/go build -o $GOROOT/pkg/tool/${GOOS}_${GOARCH}/${tool} golang.org/x/tools/cmd/${tool} done } check() { cd "$pkgname" export GO386=387 export GOOS=linux if [ "$CARCH" == 'x86_64' ]; then export GOARCH=amd64 elif [ "$CARCH" == 'i686' ]; then export GOARCH=386 fi export GOROOT="$srcdir/$pkgname" export GOBIN="$GOROOT/bin" export PATH="$srcdir/$pkgname/bin:$PATH" # TestSimpleMulticastListener will fail in standard chroot cd src && bash run.bash --no-rebuild || true } package() { cd "$pkgname" export GOROOT="$srcdir/$pkgname" export GOBIN="$GOROOT/bin" install -Dm755 "$srcdir/godoc" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/godoc" install -Dm644 LICENSE \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/go/LICENSE" mkdir -p \ "$pkgdir/"{etc/profile.d,usr/{share/go,lib/go,lib/go/src,lib/go/site/src}} cp -r doc misc -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/go" ln -s /usr/share/go/doc "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go/doc" cp -a bin "$pkgdir/usr" cp -a pkg "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go" cp -a "$GOROOT/src" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go/" cp -a "$GOROOT/src/cmd" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go/src/cmd" cp -a "$GOROOT/lib" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go/" install -Dm644 src/Make.* "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go/src" # Remove object files from target src dir find "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go/src/" -type f -name '*.[ao]' -delete # Fix for FS#32813 find "$pkgdir" -type f -name sql.go -exec chmod -x {} \; # Remove all executable source files find "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go/src" -type f -executable -delete # This is to make go get code.google.com/p/go-tour/gotour and # then running the gotour executable work out of the box. ln -sf /usr/bin "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go/bin" # For FS#42660 / FS#42661 / gox install -Dm755 src/make.bash "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go/src/make.bash" install -Dm755 src/run.bash "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go/src/run.bash" cp -r misc/ "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go/" # For godoc install -Dm644 favicon.ico "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go/favicon.ico" rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/go/doc/articles/wiki/get.bin" # Is this required? #install -Dm644 VERSION "$pkgdir/usr/lib/go/VERSION" find "$pkgdir/usr/"{lib/go/pkg,bin} -type f -exec touch '{}' + } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: