# Contributor: Luis Sarmiento < Luis.Sarmiento-ala-nuclear.lu.se > # # pkgname=go4 _Pkgname=Go4 pkgver=5.3.2 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc='Object-oriented system (GSI Object Oriented On-line Off-line system) based on ROOT' arch=('x86_64') depends=('root' 'qt5-base') url="https://www.gsi.de/en/work/research/experiment_electronics/data_processing/data_analysis/the_go4_home_page.htm" license=('GPL') source=("http://web-docs.gsi.de/~go4/download/go4-${pkgver}.tar.gz") sha256sums=('eca243e519bf5903fee8e47f9fdbab0713075d4eb2ea14eb805946938cb544bf') prepare() { unset GO4SYS cd go4-${pkgver} # make it installation friendly sed -i 's#\$(GO4EXEPATH)#$(DESTDIR)/&#g' Makefile sed -i 's#\$(GO4INCPATH)#$(DESTDIR)/&#g' Makefile sed -i 's#\$(GO4LIBPATH)#$(DESTDIR)/&#g' Makefile sed -i 's#\$(GO4TOPPATH)#$(DESTDIR)/&#g' Makefile sed -i 's#QMAKE_CXXFLAGS=#& -std=c++17#g' Makefile.config # The line INCPATH in src/go4-5.3.2/qt4/Go4UserGUI/Makefile.qt does # not include respect USERGUI4_QFLAGS = GO4INCDIR=../../include cp ./qt4/Go4GUI/QGo4Widget.h ./qt4/Go4UserGUI/ cp ./qt4/Go4QtRoot/QRootCanvas.h ./qt4/Go4UserGUI/ } build() { cd go4-${pkgver} make clean-bin make clean ## # rpath=false seemed to reduce que volume of warnings with ROOT6 ## make prefix=/usr \ withqt=5 \ GO4_OS=Linux \ rpath=true \ withdabc=yes \ debug=1 \ nodepend=1 \ all || return 1 } package() { #install the package cd go4-${pkgver} make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install #install the license install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/go4-${pkgver}/Go4License.txt" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/go4/Go4License.txt" #install the desktop file echo " [Desktop Entry] Name=${_PKGNAME} Comment=${pkgdesc} Exec=go4 Icon=xchm-32 Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Utility;Science; StartupNotify=false " > $srcdir/$pkgname.desktop install -Dm644 $srcdir/$pkgname.desktop $pkgdir/usr/share/applications/$pkgname.desktop install -d ${pkgdir}/etc/profile.d cat <<- EOF > ${srcdir}/go4.sh # source go4login script source /usr/bin/go4login # If ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH already exists, then add Go4 to it, otherwise do nothing export ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH=\${ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH:+\$ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH:/usr/include/go4} # if ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH does not exist, define it as the one from Go4, otherwise do nothing export ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH=\${ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH:-/usr/include/go4} EOF install -m755 ${srcdir}/go4.sh ${pkgdir}/etc/profile.d/go4.sh # Csh no longer supported. Go4 itself does not seem to support it. }