# Maintainer: Nascher # Contributor: Ludovic LE ROUX # This package is based on the gog-terraria package and the gog-freedom-planet package from Ainola. suffix=_treasure_trove pkgname=gog-shovel-knight pkgver= pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Yacht Club Games' arch=("i686" "x86_64") url='http://www.gog.com/game/shovel_knight' license=('custom:commercial') depends=('sdl2') groups=('games') source=("gog://${pkgname//-/_}${suffix}_${pkgver}.sh" "${pkgname}.desktop") sha512sums=('5b48afc6cfc5e2e531a5fc1314466fd5f20abc1b61e8502a3093b0acb0fb2554ffdf1b0c9da5aca5109a471e14700f37c90bbae09b5048626807cd710583e0c4' 'a30a86d218c1249aef5e4f8116d90b61913c74a0bb0629ef1a04c3736d2a3d1960d6b28d562aa83bbc49383594c55de346f9e1893e222e50bba6ebe0d8cd43fc') # You need to download the gog.com installer file manually or with lgogdownloader. DLAGENTS+=("gog::/usr/bin/echo %u - This is is not a real URL, you need to download the GOG file manually to \"$PWD\" or setup a gog:// DLAGENT. Read this PKGBUILD for more information.") # If you want to use lgogdownloader # DLAGENTS+=('gogdownloader::/usr/bin/lgogdownloader --download-file=%u -o %o') # source=("gogdownloader://shovel-knight/en3installer4" "${pkgname}.desktop") # # You can drop the file to the directory, where the PKGBUILD is and # remove the "gog://" from the source. # Example: "${pkgname//-/_}_${pkgver}.sh" # Prevent compressing final package PKGEXT='.pkg.tar' prepare(){ cd "$srcdir/data/noarch" [ $CARCH == "x86" ] && rm -r "game/64" [ $CARCH == "x86_64" ] && rm -r "game/32" # The launcher expects the user to be in the game dir echo -e "#!/bin/sh\ncd /opt/${pkgname}\n./start.sh" > "${srcdir}/${pkgname}" } package() { cd "$srcdir" # Install game install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/" install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/support" install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/" cp -r "data/noarch/game/" "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/" install -Dm755 "data/noarch/start.sh" \ "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/" install -Dm755 data/noarch/support/*.{sh,shlib} -t \ "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/support" # Desktop integration install -Dm 644 "data/noarch/support/icon.png" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/${pkgname}.png" install -Dm644 "data/noarch/docs/End User License Agreement.txt" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE" install -Dm 644 "${srcdir}/${pkgname}.desktop" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop" install -Dm 755 "${srcdir}/${pkgname}" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}" }