# Maintainer: Adrian Perez de Castro pkgname=gomuks-midek-git _name=gomuks pkgdesc='A terminal based Matrix client written in Go. Upload and pantalaimon support' pkgver=r586.8a7185c pkgrel=2 url='https://git.thisisjoes.site/midov/gomuks.git' license=(GPL3) arch=(x86_64 i686) depends=(libolm) makedepends=(go-pie git) provides=(${_name}) conflicts=("${provides[@]}") source=("git+https://git.thisisjoes.site/midek/${_name}.git") sha512sums=(SKIP) prepare() { cd "${srcdir}/${_name}" # all the good stuff is in the revert_attachments branch git checkout midek } pkgver () { cd "${srcdir}/${_name}" printf 'r%s.%s' "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git describe --always)" } build () { cd "${srcdir}/${_name}" # disable encryption so pantalaimon works export CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v \ -gcflags "all=-trimpath=${curdir}" \ -asmflags "all=-trimpath=${curdir}" \ -ldflags "-extldflags '${LDFLAGS}'" \ . } package () { cd "${srcdir}/${_name}" install -Dm755 gomuks "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/gomuks" install -Dm644 README.md "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_name}/README.md" }