# Maintainer: Benjamin Denhartog # Contributor: Mansour Behabadi # Contributor: Troy Engel # Contributor: Geoff Hill # Contributor: Sebastien Bariteau # Contributor: Justin Dray pkgname="google-cloud-sdk" pkgver=215.0.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A set of command-line tools for the Google Cloud Platform. Includes gcloud (with beta and alpha commands), gsutil, and bq." url="https://cloud.google.com/sdk/" license=("Apache") arch=('x86_64') depends=('python2') optdepends=('python2-crcmod: [gsutil] verify the integrity of GCS object contents') options=('!strip' 'staticlibs') source=( "https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/release/downloads/for_packagers/linux/${pkgname}_${pkgver}.orig.tar.gz" "google-cloud-sdk.sh" ) sha256sums=( '19cf98ef1ee080929a9aba50d6ab281b52b0d6aae33621c460943e03f365547a' '36ac88de630e49ea4b067b1f5f229142e4cf97561b98b3bd3d8115a356946692' ) prepare() { msg2 "Checking for newer upstream release" _latest=$(\ curl -s https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/release/sha256.txt |\ egrep "google-cloud-sdk_.*\.orig\.tar\.gz" |\ awk -e 'BEGIN{FS="/"}{print $4}' |\ sed 's/[^0-9]*\(\([[:digit:]]\+.\?\)\{2\}[^.]\+\).*/\1/') # [^0-9]* :: matches any non-digit character 0-n times # \( :: begins group 1 # \([[:digit:]]\+.\?\)\{2\} # :: captures the major and minor parts of the version, with dot # :: capture group 2 is created to facilitate repeating with \{2\} # [^.]\+ :: matches the patch without the dot # \) :: terminates group 1 # .* :: matches any character 0-n times # /\1/ :: replaces the entire string with the contents of group 1 msg2 "This AUR release: ${pkgver}" msg2 "Latest upstream release: ${_latest}" if [ "${_latest}" != "${pkgver}" ]; then msg2 "** Please flag out-of-date at https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/${pkgname}" fi } package() { msg2 "Copying core SDK components" mkdir "${pkgdir}/opt" cp -r "${srcdir}/${pkgname}" "${pkgdir}/opt" msg2 "Running bootstrapping script and adding additional components" _additional_components=(alpha beta) # The Google code uses a _TraceAction() method which spams the screen even # in "quiet" mode, we're throwing away output on purpose to keep it clean # ref: lib/googlecloudsdk/core/platforms_install.py python2 "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/bin/bootstrapping/install.py" --quiet \ --usage-reporting False --path-update False --bash-completion False \ --additional-components "${_additional_components[@]}" 1 > /dev/null msg2 "Cleaning up artifacts of the bootstrap script" rm -rf "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/.install/.backup" mkdir "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/.install/.backup" msg2 "Setting up profile environment variables" install -Dm755 "${srcdir}/${source[1]}" \ "${pkgdir}/etc/profile.d/google-cloud-sdk.sh" msg2 "Installing bash completion script" install -Dm755 "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/completion.bash.inc" \ "${pkgdir}/etc/bash_completion.d/google-cloud-sdk" msg2 "Fixing python references for python2 and compiling *.pyc" grep -Irl 'python' "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}" | \ xargs sed -i 's|#!.*python\b|#!/usr/bin/env python2|g' find "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/bin/" -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec \ sed -i 's/CLOUDSDK_PYTHON=python\b/CLOUDSDK_PYTHON=python2/g' {} \; python2 -m compileall -q -f -x python3 -d "/opt/google-cloud-sdk" \ "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/" msg2 "Installing man pages" mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/share" mv -f "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/help/man" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/" chmod 0755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man" chmod 0755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1" msg2 "Creating symlinks for applications" mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" for i in "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/bin"/*; do ln -st "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/" "${i#${pkgdir}}" done rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/{bq,dev_appserver.py*,endpointscfg.py*,java_dev_appserver.sh} msg2 "Fixing file permissions" chmod -x "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man1/* find "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}" -name "*.html" -o -name "*.json" -exec chmod -x {} \; find "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}" -name "*_test.py" -exec chmod +x {} \; }