# Maintainer: ValHue # https://github.com/ValHue/AUR-PKGBUILDs # # Maintainer: Strit # # Contributor: Jaroslav Lichtblau # Contributor: Daniel J Griffiths # Contributor: Ronald van Haren # Contributor: Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino # Contributor: Pawel Rusinek # Contributor: Jashua Gentry # Contributor: John Cheetham pkgname="griffith" pkgver=0.15 pkgrel=3 _gitcommit=05b5803f770818d6309b0946e77de6e523b51fc9 pkgdesc="Movie collection manager application" arch=('any') url="https://gitlab.com/Strit/griffith" license=('GPL2') depends=('python-gobject' 'sqlite' 'python-reportlab' 'python-pillow' 'python-sqlalchemy') optdepends=('python-psycopg2: postgreSQL support' 'python-mysql-connector: MySQL support' 'mysql-python: MySQL support' 'python-chardet: encoding detection of imported CSV files' 'griffith-extra-artwork: additional icons' 'python-tmdbsimple: For TMDB Import support') source=("$pkgname-$pkgver-$pkgrel.tar.gz::$url/repository/$pkgver/archive.tar.gz") md5sums=('ef1d4c76df5ed58bff6bb9fae68555ce') build() { #cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}" cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}-${_gitcommit}" # new bash_completion directory sed -e 's,BASHCOMPDIR = $(ETCDIR)/bash_completion.d,BASHCOMPDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/bash-completion/completions,' -i Makefile } package() { cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}-${_gitcommit}" make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install # The program creates a wrong symlink so make a new one rm ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/griffith ln -s /usr/share/griffith/lib/griffith ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/griffith # The program creates a etc directory empty rm -rf ${pkgdir}/etc } # vim:set ts=4 sw=2 ft=sh et: