# Maintainer: Llewelyn Trahaearn # Contributor: Tobias Powalowski # Contributor: Ronald van Haren # Contributor: Keshav Amburay <(the ddoott ridikulus ddoott rat) (aatt) (gemmaeiil) (ddoott) (ccoomm)> ## "1" to enable IA32-EFI build in Arch x86_64, "0" to disable _ia32_efi_in_arch_x64="1" ## "1" to enable EMU build, "0" to disable _grub_emu_build="1" [[ "${CARCH}" == "x86_64" ]] && _target_arch="x86_64" [[ "${CARCH}" == "i686" ]] && _target_arch="i386" _build_platforms="i386-pc ${_target_arch}-efi" [[ "${CARCH}" == "x86_64" ]] && [[ "${_ia32_efi_in_arch_x64}" == "1" ]] && _build_platforms+=" i386-efi" [[ "${_grub_emu_build}" == "1" ]] && _build_platforms+=" ${_target_arch}-emu" pkgname="grub-git" pkgver=2.02.r241.ged087f046 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="GNU GRand Unified Bootloader (2)" arch=('x86_64' 'i686') url="https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/" license=('GPL3') depends=('device-mapper' 'freetype2' 'fuse2' 'gettext') makedepends=('autogen' 'bdf-unifont' 'git' 'help2man' 'python' 'rsync' 'texinfo' 'ttf-dejavu') optdepends=('dosfstools: For grub-mkrescue FAT FS and EFI support' 'efibootmgr: For grub-install EFI support' 'libisoburn: Provides xorriso for generating grub rescue iso using grub-mkrescue' 'mtools: For grub-mkrescue FAT FS support' 'os-prober: To detect other OSes when generating grub.cfg in BIOS systems') if [[ "${_grub_emu_build}" == "1" ]]; then depends+=('sdl') makedepends+=('libusb') optdepends+=('libusb: For grub-emu USB support') fi provides=("${pkgname%-*}") conflicts=("${pkgname%-*}") backup=('etc/default/grub' 'etc/grub.d/40_custom') install="${pkgname}.install" source=("grub::git://git.savannah.gnu.org/grub.git" "grub-extras::git://git.savannah.gnu.org/grub-extras.git" '10_linux-detect-archlinux-initramfs.patch' 'add-GRUB_COLOR_variables.patch' 'grub.default') sha256sums=('SKIP' 'SKIP' 'b41e4438319136b5e74e0abdfcb64ae115393e4e15207490272c425f54026dd3' 'a5198267ceb04dceb6d2ea7800281a42b3f91fd02da55d2cc9ea20d47273ca29' '74e5dd2090a153c10a7b9599b73bb09e70fddc6a019dd41641b0f10b9d773d82') prepare() { cd grub # Patch grub-mkconfig to detect Arch Linux initramfs images. patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/10_linux-detect-archlinux-initramfs.patch # Patch to enable GRUB_COLOR_* variables in grub-mkconfig. # Based on http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grub-devel/2012-02/msg00021.html patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/add-GRUB_COLOR_variables.patch # Fix DejaVuSans.ttf location so that grub-mkfont can create *.pf2 files for starfield theme. sed 's|/usr/share/fonts/dejavu|/usr/share/fonts/dejavu /usr/share/fonts/TTF|g' -i "configure.ac" # Modify grub-mkconfig behaviour to silence warnings FS#36275 sed 's| ro | rw |g' -i "util/grub.d/10_linux.in" # Modify grub-mkconfig behaviour so automatically generated entries read 'Arch Linux' FS#33393 sed 's|GNU/Linux|Linux|' -i "util/grub.d/10_linux.in" # Pull in latest language files ./linguas.sh # Remove lua module from grub-extras as it is incompatible with changes to grub_file_open # http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/grub.git/commit/?id=ca0a4f689a02c2c5a5e385f874aaaa38e151564e rm -rf "$srcdir"/grub-extras/lua } pkgver() { cd grub git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^grub.//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } build() { cd grub export GRUB_CONTRIB="$srcdir"/grub-extras ./autogen.sh # Undefined references to __stack_chk_fail CFLAGS=${CFLAGS/-fstack-protector-strong} # Undefined references to _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ CFLAGS=${CFLAGS/-fno-plt} for _arch in $_build_platforms; do mkdir "$srcdir"/grub/build_"$_arch" cd "$srcdir"/grub/build_"$_arch" # Explicitly set ac_cv_header_sys_sysmacros_h # https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?55520 ../configure --with-platform="${_arch##*-}" \ --target="${_arch%%-*}" \ --prefix="/usr" \ --sbindir="/usr/bin" \ --sysconfdir="/etc" \ --enable-boot-time \ --enable-cache-stats \ --enable-device-mapper \ --enable-grub-mkfont \ --enable-grub-mount \ --enable-mm-debug \ --enable-nls \ --disable-silent-rules \ --disable-werror \ ac_cv_header_sys_sysmacros_h=yes make done } package() { cd grub for _arch in $_build_platforms; do cd "$srcdir"/grub/build_"$_arch" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" bashcompletiondir=/usr/share/bash-completion/completions install done # Install /etc/default/grub (used by grub-mkconfig) install -D -m0644 "$srcdir"/grub.default "$pkgdir"/etc/default/grub # Tidy up find "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/grub \( -name '*.module' -o \ -name '*.image' -o \ -name 'kernel.exec' -o \ -name 'gdb_grub' -o \ -name 'gmodule.pl' \) -delete }