# Maintainer: Yiannis A Ginis _gitname=United-GNOME _pkgname=United-Arch pkgname=gtk-theme-united-archers-git pkgver=v2.1.3.r7.g13bf466 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='GTK2/3 + GNOME Shell theme based on a Ubuntu 18.04 design concept.' arch=('any') url="https://github.com/godlyranchdressing/${_gitname}" license=('GPL3') provides=("${_gitname}=${pkgver}") depends=('git' 'gtk3>=3.20' 'gnome-themes-standard' 'gdk-pixbuf2' 'gtk-engines' 'gtk-engine-murrine') optdepends=('gnome-shell>=3.23: The GNOME Shell' 'gnome-tweak-tool: A graphical tool to tweak gnome settings') source=("${_pkgname}.tar.gz::${url}/blob/master/${_pkgname}.tar.gz?raw=true") sha256sums=('3019ff36daf9e34e417b4bf9506e9428c51b3a9feaf13bc1bb2ebb7ff7882431') pkgver() { echo -n "v2.1.3.r7.g"; git ls-remote -q -h "${url}" master | cut -c1-7 } prepare() { download_sources check_source_integrity extract_sources } package() { cd "${srcdir}" find */ -type f -exec install -Dm644 '{}' "${pkgdir}/usr/share/themes/{}" \; find ${pkgdir}/usr/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; find ${pkgdir}/usr/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; }