# Maintainer: Severen Redwood # Contributors: TingPing # Diego Cano # Report all package issues to `https://github.com/SShrike/pkgbuilds` pkgname=gtkd-git pkgver=r1244.b49250e pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='D binding and OO wrapper of GTK+' url='http://gtkd.org' options=('staticlibs') license=('LGPL') arch=('i686' 'x86_64') provides=('gtkd') conflicts=('gtkd') depends=('gtk3') makedepends=('dmd') optdepends=('pango' 'atk' 'gdk-pixbuf2' 'gtksourceview3' 'gstreamer') source=('git://github.com/gtkd-developers/GtkD.git') md5sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd GtkD echo r$(git rev-list --count HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) } build() { cd GtkD make gtkd } package() { cd GtkD make prefix="/usr" DESTDIR="${pkgdir}/" install } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: