# Contributor: Alexandre Bolelli # Maintainer: Alexandre Bolelli pkgname=handshake-cracker pkgver=54.3b187fb pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Handshake capture with aircrack-ng, test with pyrit, crack with john the ripper using self-builted wordlists." arch=('any') url='https://github.com/semeion/handshake-cracker' license=('GPL3') depends=('aircrack-ng' 'hcxtools' 'hashcat' 'wireshark-cli' 'cowpatty' 'mdk3' 'xterm' 'ncurses' 'psmisc' 'gawk' 'macchanger' 'coreutils' 'glibc' 'sed' 'gzip' 'bzip2' 'unzip' 'wget' 'sudo' 'less' 'john' 'python2' 'python2-lxml') #optdepends=('hcxdumptool') makedepends=('git') source=('git+https://github.com/semeion/handshake-cracker.git') sha256sums=('SKIP') # use 'updpkgsums' if you want pkgver() { cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}" echo $(git rev-list --count HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) } package() { cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}" # Install script install -D -m755 crack "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/crack" install -D -m755 crawler-dicionarioinformal "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/crawler-dicionarioinformal" install -D -m755 crawler-dictionary "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/crawler-dictionary" install -D -m755 handshake "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/handshake" install -D -m755 wordlist "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/wordlist" # Install john config with custom rules install -D -m644 john.conf.custom "${pkgdir}/etc/john/john.conf.custom" }