# Maintainer: Eugen Kuksa pkgname=hets-server pkgver=0.99_1484075143 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A parsing, static analysis and proof management tool incorporating various provers and different specification languages." url="http://hets.eu" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') license=('custom:hets-license') depends=('hets-commons' 'hets-lib' 'tcl' 'tk' 'ncurses' 'cairo' 'glib2' 'gettext' 'fontconfig' 'libglade') optdepends=('spass' 'eprover' 'darwin' 'pellet' 'isabelle') makedepends=('ghc>=7.8.4') provides=('hets-server') conflicts=('hets-server-bin') _commit='b39edff7b191f41fb4b7268e00dd0289965ca9bf' source=("${pkgname}::git+https://github.com/spechub/Hets.git#commit=${_commit}") sha256sums=('SKIP') _executable_name='hets-server' build() { cd $srcdir/$pkgname make hets_server.bin } package() { cd $srcdir/$pkgname make install-hets_server PREFIX="$pkgdir/usr" # Patch the header of the wrapper script to include the (only working) locale, # to use a shell that is certainly installed and to set the correct basedir. local wrapper_script="bin/$_executable_name" pushd "$pkgdir/usr" > /dev/null # Remove useless files that were added by the makefile's sed invocation rm -f "share/man/man1/hets.1e" rm -f "share/man/man1/hets.1-e" echo "#!/bin/bash" > "$wrapper_script.tmp" echo "" >> "$wrapper_script.tmp" echo "export LANG=en_US.UTF-8" >> "$wrapper_script.tmp" echo "export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8" >> "$wrapper_script.tmp" echo "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" >> "$wrapper_script.tmp" echo "" >> "$wrapper_script.tmp" echo "BASEDIR=\"/usr\"" >> "$wrapper_script.tmp" echo "PROG=\"$_executable_name\"" >> "$wrapper_script.tmp" # replace the script header with the above one sed -ie "/\/bin\/ksh93/,/PROG=/ d" "$wrapper_script" cat "$wrapper_script" >> "$wrapper_script.tmp" cat "$wrapper_script.tmp" > "$wrapper_script" rm -f "${wrapper_script}.tmp" rm -f "${wrapper_script}e" rm -f "${wrapper_script}-e" popd > /dev/null }