# Maintainer: George Rawlinson pkgname=homebridge pkgver=1.3.5 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="HomeKit support for the impatient" arch=('any') url="https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge" license=('Apache') depends=('nodejs') makedepends=('npm') optdepends=('homebridge-config-ui-x: for web-based management tool') options=('!emptydirs' '!strip') source=("$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::$url/archive/v$pkgver.tar.gz") sha512sums=('92dea73ddfb4c66854c98dcfa5cc13f5642707c6077190119869c22c482a598af998646abb26dd9af631a29932786021e966bb648e40e86607c85f91b5813bcd') b2sums=('704025bcb755a0a2568b9f291b6b20085dee95206524394d73800bd90014db27fb167b1ec94388aa6aae00b0896f3a557066869f64ae19f99489fc90c575eec2') build() { cd "$pkgname-$pkgver" # NOTE: package is built this way because the dist/ directory is not # included in the source, only in npm source due to a prepublish script # which does not get installed correctly if the npm source is used. export NPM_FLAGS=(--no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier) # install dependencies npm install "${NPM_FLAGS[@]}" # generate dist dir npm run build "${NPM_FLAGS[@]}" # generate tarball npm pack "${NPM_FLAGS[@]}" } package() { cd "$pkgname-$pkgver" npm install \ --global \ --prefix "$pkgdir/usr" \ "${NPM_FLAGS[@]}" \ "$pkgname-$pkgver.tgz" # npm gives ownership of ALL FILES to build user # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/63396 chown -R root:root "$pkgdir" unset NPM_FLAGS }