# Contributor: Dominik Fuchs pkgname=hpgl pkgver=0.9.9 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="HPGL stands for 'High Performance Geostatistics Library'. The goal of this project is to provide free-to-use and modify high-perfomance geostatistical algorithms (such as Kriging, CoKriging, Sequential Simulation, etc)." arch=('any') license=('bsd') url="http://hpgl.sourceforge.net/" depends=('python2-numpy' 'python2-scipy') makedepends=('python2-distribute' 'scons' 'boost') optdepends=() source=(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/hpgl/hpgl/0.9.9/hpgl-bsd-0.9.9_src.tar.gz) md5sums=('a3f17cc720f662ea9d8662c1380b6b29') provides=('hpgl') conflicts=('hpgl-git') build() { # compile libfc2 and tmglib cd "$srcdir/CLAPACK-" make f2clib make tmglib ln -s tmglib_LINUX.a libtmglib.a #ln -s F2CLIBS/libf2c.a libf2c.a # configure & compile HPGL cd "${srcdir}/" scons -c scons -j4 # assemble package & install mkdir ${srcdir}/temp/geo_bsd cp geo_bsd/*.py ${srcdir}/temp/geo_bsd cp geo_bsd/*.so ${srcdir}/temp/geo_bsd cp setup.py ${srcdir}/temp/ } package() { cd ${srcdir}/temp/ python2 setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="$pkgdir" || return 1 }