# Maintainer: Score_Under options=(!strip) # Don't strip libs because there aren't any DOC_DIRS=(opt/hydrus/help) pkgbase=hydrus pkgname=(hydrus) pkgver=273 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Danbooru-like image tagging and searching system for the desktop" arch=(any) license=(WTFPL) install=hydrus.install conflicts=(hydrus-docs hydrus-sources) url=http://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ depends=(python2 wxpython opencv python2-beautifulsoup4 python2-yaml hsaudiotag python2-pypdf2 python2-pafy 'python2-lz4>=0.10.1' python2-numpy python2-twisted python2-pillow python2-potr python2-flvlib python2-pysocks python2-psutil python2-send2trash python2-lxml python2-requests hdf5) makedepends=(git) optdepends=('ffmpeg: show duration and other information on video thumbnails' 'miniupnpc: automatic port forwarding' 'desktop-file-utils: to add Hydrus to your desktop environment menus') # Note: the commit hash here is different to the hash on the v271 tag of the # git repo. This is intentional. The tag was mistakenly pushed with the same # hash as the previous version. source=("${pkgbase}::git+https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/${pkgbase}.git#commit=1cf48e5a2585b14bf6b702af55d097e55aff12fc" paths-in-opt.patch hydrus-client hydrus-server hydrus.desktop) sha256sums=('SKIP' '520fdc156dfb8c4a8c9a0c8c05e51807266809cddeca27a5b73049b2355c3a40' 'b2bf66b1068969e9598742d5c128cb04fd609512b0cff0ad5e25ecb6cdd35678' '5fd3eb69bb5f9a0b88d7c1b25abdee42aa2b2fc5e1690635f60ed1f47848c46b' '9b8c2603a8040ae80152ff9a718ad3e8803fdc3029a939e3c0e932ea35ded923') prepare() { cd "$pkgbase" git apply < ../paths-in-opt.patch # Fix permissions chmod a-x include/*.py # Remove strange file rm -f "include/pyconfig.h" # Remove unit tests rm -f "include/Test"*.py rm -rf "static/testing" } build() { cd "$pkgbase" msg 'Compiling .py files...' python2 -OO -m compileall -fq . } package_hydrus() { cd "$pkgbase" # Create /opt/hydrus and copy hydrus files to there install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/opt/hydrus" cp -r help include static client.pyw server.py "${pkgdir}/opt/hydrus/" # Create and populate /opt/hydrus/bin install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/opt/hydrus/bin" ln -s /usr/bin/upnpc "${pkgdir}/opt/hydrus/bin/upnpc_linux" ln -s /usr/bin/ffmpeg "${pkgdir}/opt/hydrus/bin/ffmpeg" # Install hydrus-client and hydrus-server executables install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" install -m755 ../hydrus-{client,server} "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/" # Install .desktop shortcut install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications" install -m644 ../hydrus.desktop "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgbase}.desktop" # Install license files install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgbase}" install -m644 COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgbase}/" install -m644 license.txt "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgbase}/" }