pkgname=ibdump _commit=e656df3a89c823fcfebc58961ecd4ce8fa6533d4 pkgver=6.1.0.r35.ge656df3 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc="InfiniBand and RoCE RDMA packet capture tool for Mellanox" url="" license=(GPL2 custom:BSD) arch=(x86_64) depends=(libibverbs) makedepends=(git mstflint) source=("git+$_commit" unbork.diff) sha256sums=('SKIP' '1b951beecf20d488e97bdbcc80e414eb1898e2cd994ec579f3a56b52edd55d3c') pkgver() { cd ibdump git describe --tags | sed 's/^ibdump-//; s/-/.r/; s/[-_]/./g' } prepare() { cd ibdump patch -Np1 < ../unbork.diff rm -f gitversion.h make gitversion.h } build() { cd ibdump # Build with mstflint (for new ConnectX, but breaks CX3): make clean make WITH_MSTFLINT=yes MSTFLINT_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/mstflint mv ibdump{,-mst} # Build without mstflint (for ConnectX <= 3): make clean make WITHOUT_FW_TOOLS=yes } package() { cd ibdump install -D -m 0755 ./ibdump "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/ibdump install -D -m 0755 ./ibdump-mst "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/ibdump-mst install -D -m 0644 ./LICENSE "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE install -D -m 0644 ./ "$pkgdir"/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/ }