# Maintainer: dreieck # PKGBUILD last time manually edited: At least on 2023-09-04. _year='23' _prevyear="$(( ${_year} - 1 ))" url="https://chaps.cz/eng/download/idos/zip#kotvatt" _zipfile="VLAKPID${_year}.ZIP" _pkgver() { # Reason for a _pkgver(): Have something to run before source download so that we can have version aware source downloads. # Do not use metadata of the source file, but do website parsing: So we do not need to download the file to (AUR-)update the package version with our own crude hacked script 'idos-aur-update-versions.sh'. #date -r "${srcdir}/${_target}" +"%Y_%m_%d" wget -nv -O- "${url}" | tr -d '\a' | tr '\n' '\a' | sed 's|^.*File '"${_zipfile}"'\(.*\)Zip/'"${_zipfile}"'.*$|\1\n|g' | tr '\a' '\n' | grep 'Update date:' | cut -d, -f1 | sed -r 's|([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).|\n\3_\2_\1\n|g' | grep -E '^[0-9]+_[0-9]+_[0-9]+' | sed -E -e 's|_([0-9])_|_0\1_|g' -e 's|_([0-9])$|_0\1|g' } _pkgname="idos-timetable-data-chaps-trains-pid-20${_year}" pkgname="${_pkgname}-latest" epoch=0 _pkgver="$(_pkgver)" # This should be set _before_ sources get downloaded. pkgver="${_pkgver}" pkgrel=3 pkgdesc="20${_prevyear}/20${_year} Timetable data for the timetable search engines by CHAPS: Trains in Praha public transport reagion (PID)." arch=(any) license=('custom') groups=( "idos-timetable" ) depends=( "idos-timetable-data-trains-common" ) makedepends=( "wget" ) optdepends=( "idos-timetable-tariff-mhd-pid: For showing prices." "idos-timetable-maps-mhd-pid: For displaying routes on maps." "idos-timetable-additionalinfo-mhd-pid: For additional information (photographs of some stops)." ) provides=( "${_pkgname}=${pkgver}" "idos-timetable-data=${pkgver}" "idos-timetable-data-trains=${pkgver}" "idos-timetable-data-trains-pid=${pkgver}" "idos-timetable-data-trains-pid-20${_year}=${pkgver}" ) replaces=( 'idos-timetable-data-chaps-trains-pid-latest' "${_pkgname}<=${pkgver}" ) conflicts=( "${_pkgname}" 'idos-timetable-data-trains-pid' # Conflicts via `/opt/idos-timetable/Data3/Vlak.ttr`. ### The conflict will be handled by idos-timetable-data-chaps-all, if needed. Sometimes idos-timetable-data-chaps-all does not provide the train data, and then idos-timetable-data-chaps-all will depend on this package, thus this package should not have idos-timetable-data-chaps-all as conflict. # "idos-timetable-data-chaps-all" ) _target="vlakpid${_year}-${_pkgver}.zip" source=( "${_target}::https://ttakt.chaps.cz/TTAktual/Win/Zip/${_zipfile}" "IDOS-Licence.pdf::https://chaps.cz/files/idos/IDOS-Licence.pdf" "license-dummy.txt" ) sha256sums=( 'SKIP' "SKIP" "c6bb216055d3670d3100b7a74e04ce0644030f365f4349a09e630ef60fbcb9a4" ) pkgver() { printf '%s' "${_pkgver}" } package() { _instdirbase='/opt/idos-timetable' _instdir="${pkgdir}/${_instdirbase}" install -d -m755 "${_instdir}" cp -r "${srcdir}"/Data* "${_instdir}/" chmod 755 "${_instdir}"/Data* chmod 644 "${_instdir}"/Data*/* rm -f "${_instdir}/Data1"/[vV][lL][aA][kK].[tT][tT][rR] # This one is provided by idos-timetable-data-trains-common. install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}" echo "${url}" > "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}/info.url" chmod 644 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}/info.url" install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/license-dummy.txt" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/copying.txt" install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/IDOS-Licence.pdf" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/IDOS-Licence.pdf" }