# Maintainer: Daniel Bermond # NOTE 1: # DPS (Display PostScript) feature is obsolete and thus not enabled. # For more information about DPS being obsolete please visit: # https://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.7/doc/xorg-docs/graphics/dps.html # NOTE 2: # Linking to ghostscript libs (gslib) is disabled due to security # issues. ImageMagick will call 'gs' executable directly instead. # See: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/62171 # NOTE 3: # change font directories in build() to match yours: # - deJaVu and GhostScript font directories are the default ones # - Windows font directory is set according to a Wiki example _commit='0550776ab5c402f8203fbacf0dfc52e848ef00ae' _qdepth='32' pkgbase=imagemagick-full pkgname=('imagemagick-full' 'imagemagick-full-doc') pkgver= pkgrel=1 arch=('x86_64') pkgdesc="An image viewing/manipulation program (Q${_qdepth} HDRI with all features)" url='https://www.imagemagick.org/' license=('custom') makedepends=( # official repositories: 'git' 'perl' 'jbigkit' 'opencl-headers' 'glu' 'ghostpcl' 'ghostxps' 'zstd' 'chrpath' 'xorgproto' 'lcms2' 'libraqm' 'liblqr' 'fftw' 'libxml2' 'fontconfig' 'freetype2' 'libxext' 'libx11' 'bzip2' 'zlib' 'libltdl' 'jemalloc' 'djvulibre' 'gperftools' 'libraw' 'graphviz' 'openexr' 'libheif' 'openjpeg2' 'libjpeg-turbo' 'xz' 'glib2' 'pango' 'cairo' 'libpng' 'ghostscript' 'ming' 'librsvg' 'libtiff' 'libwebp' 'libwmf' 'ocl-icd' 'gsfonts' 'ttf-dejavu' 'perl' 'libzip' # AUR: 'pstoedit-nomagick' 'autotrace-nomagick' 'flif' 'libfpx' 'libumem-git' 'brunsli' ) source=("git+https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick.git#commit=${_commit}" 'arch-fonts.diff') sha256sums=('SKIP' 'a85b744c61b1b563743ecb7c7adad999d7ed9a8af816650e3ab9321b2b102e73') prepare() { mkdir -p ImageMagick/docpkg/usr/share # fix up typemaps to match Arch Linux packages, where possible patch -d ImageMagick -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/arch-fonts.diff" } build() { cd ImageMagick export CFLAGS+=' -I/usr/include/FLIF' ./configure \ --prefix='/usr' \ --sysconfdir='/etc' \ --enable-shared \ --disable-static \ --enable-openmp \ --enable-opencl \ --disable-delegate-build \ --enable-cipher \ --enable-hdri \ --enable-docs \ --with-threads \ --with-modules \ --with-quantum-depth="${_qdepth}" \ --with-magick-plus-plus \ --with-perl \ --with-perl-options='INSTALLDIRS=vendor' \ --with-jemalloc \ --with-tcmalloc \ --with-umem \ --with-bzlib \ --with-x \ --with-zlib \ --with-zstd \ --with-autotrace \ --without-dps \ --with-fftw \ --with-flif \ --with-fpx \ --with-djvu \ --with-fontconfig \ --with-freetype \ --with-raqm \ --without-gslib \ --with-gvc \ --with-heic \ --with-jbig \ --with-jpeg \ --with-jxl \ --with-lcms \ --with-openjp2 \ --with-lqr \ --with-lzma \ --with-openexr \ --with-pango \ --with-png \ --with-raw \ --with-rsvg \ --with-tiff \ --with-webp \ --with-wmf \ --with-xml \ --with-dejavu-font-dir='/usr/share/fonts/TTF' \ --with-gs-font-dir='/usr/share/fonts/gsfonts' \ --with-urw-base35-font-dir='/usr/share/fonts/gsfonts' \ --with-windows-font-dir='/usr/share/fonts/WindowsFonts' \ --with-apple-font-dir='/usr/share/fonts/TTF' \ --with-fontpath='/usr/share/fonts/Type1' \ PSDelegate='/usr/bin/gs' \ XPSDelegate='/usr/bin/gxps' \ PCLDelegate='/usr/bin/gpcl6' sed -i -e 's/ -shared / -Wl,-O1,--as-needed\0/g' libtool make } check() ( ulimit -n 4096 sed -e '/validate-formats/d' -i ImageMagick/Makefile make -C ImageMagick check ) package_imagemagick-full() { local _majorver="${pkgver%%.*}" local _etcdir="ImageMagick-${_majorver}" depends=( # official repositories: 'lcms2' 'libraqm' 'liblqr' 'fftw' 'libxml2' 'fontconfig' 'freetype2' 'libxext' 'libx11' 'bzip2' 'zlib' 'libltdl' 'jemalloc' 'gperftools' 'djvulibre' 'libraw' 'graphviz' 'openexr' 'libheif' 'openjpeg2' 'libjpeg-turbo' 'xz' 'glib2' 'pango' 'cairo' 'libpng' 'ghostscript' 'ming' 'librsvg' 'libtiff' 'libwebp' 'libwmf' 'ocl-icd' 'gsfonts' 'ttf-dejavu' 'perl' # AUR: 'pstoedit-nomagick' 'autotrace-nomagick' 'flif' 'libfpx' 'libumem-git' 'brunsli' ) optdepends=( # AUR: 'imagemagick-full-doc: manual and API docs' ) backup=(etc/"$_etcdir"/{colors,delegates,log,mime,policy,quantization-table,thresholds,type,type-{dejavu,ghostscript}}.xml) options=('!emptydirs' 'libtool') provides=("imagemagick=${pkgver}" "libmagick=${pkgver}" "libmagick-full=${pkgver}") conflicts=('imagemagick' 'libmagick') replaces=('libmagick-full') make -C ImageMagick DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install find "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/perl5" -name '*.so' -exec chrpath -d {} + rm "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/*.la # split docs mv "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc" ImageMagick/docpkg/usr/share/ # harden security policy: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/62785 sed -e '/<\/policymap>/i \ \ ' -i "${pkgdir}/etc/ImageMagick-7/policy.xml" install -D -m644 ImageMagick/{LICENSE,NOTICE} -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" } package_imagemagick-full-doc() { pkgdesc+=' (manual and API docs)' arch=('any') provides=("imagemagick-doc=${pkgver}") conflicts=('imagemagick-doc') cp -a ImageMagick/docpkg/* "$pkgdir" install -D -m644 ImageMagick/{LICENSE,NOTICE} -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" }