# Maintainer: Claudia Pellegrino pkgname=inkscape-openpaths-git pkgver=r8.10d0d7c pkgrel=2 pkgdesc='Inkscape extension for opening up closed paths, e. g. for single-line fonts in OPF/OTF/TTF format' arch=('any') url='https://gitlab.com/EllenWasbo/inkscape-extension-openpaths' # No license file present but the author has granted the GPL2 license here: # https://inkscape.org/~EllenWasbo/%E2%98%85openclosedpath license=('GPL-2.0-only') depends=('inkscape' 'python') makedepends=('git') options=('!debug' '!strip') source=( "${pkgname}::git+https://gitlab.com/EllenWasbo/inkscape-extension-openpaths.git" ) sha512sums=( 'SKIP' ) pkgver() { printf "r%s.%s" \ "$(git -C "${pkgname}" rev-list --count HEAD)" \ "$(git -C "${pkgname}" rev-parse --short HEAD)" } package() { echo >&2 'Packaging the Inkscape extension' install -D -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/inkscape/extensions" \ "${srcdir}/${pkgname}/openClosedPath"{.inx,.py} echo >&2 'Packaging README.md' install -D -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}" \ "${srcdir}/${pkgname}/README.md" }